Action from fishing here in Illinois at Newton Lake again. Caught every fish on a 1/2 oz. Strike King Hack Attack Jig, St Croix Mojo Bass 7’2 MH jig rod, with 15 lb fluorocarbon and an Abu Garcia Orra SX reel.
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Hey man do u have an email I could reach u at ..I love your videos by the way !!
Did you fish the cold or hot side? Great video. Nice catch. Hope to go there next week.
My uncle caught a real toad one day fishing in a cove on the south near a bird house in the lake. I am sure you know the spot
My favorite lake. Haven't been able to fish it for about 6 or 7 years. Nice video!
Im going there next week any recommendations on what to throw and where? Thanks im taking my friend who is a veteran
Love the channel and the vid! Keep up the great content! I gave the vid a thumbs up and subscribed to your channel. If you get a chance, swing by our channel and see what you think. If you enjoy make sure to sub! Thanks!
My favorite lake by far is Newton. When I lived in Robinson and Shelbyville I didn't fish much. I then moved to Iowa and got a small boat and now travel almost 5 hours to that lake…Go figure. Still learning the lake but starting to figure it out some. still trying to get that first 6 lb.
You are whackin em with your whack stick there man.*Insert copied and pasted comment saying I subscribed to your channel and would appreciate it if you would subscribe to mine even though I did not subscribe to yours in the first place.*
Good to see some other IL fisherman. I've wanted to head down to Newton one of these days. Looks like you've got em dialed in. Nice video man. If you haven't before, give my channel a look. Always appreciate a like/sub. Tight lines!
Wish the fishing up here was that good! Subbed, cant wait to see more!
nice video!
Jeez… Those are some pigs!