Peacock bass fishing in Miami on a chilly day – with Vicky Stark
Check out my Instagram @VickyStark:
Filming & Edit by: @ReelHooking
Super magnificent peacock bass fishing in Miami video!!

Hi It,s a great honor to visit iran and go fishing on the river at themontain
That was a good video and it looks like you were having fun in this video.
I like u'r body so sexy
I remember when sixty Fahrenheit was chilly
you make everything look good catching those fish 
Dedicated it
Kind of bait were you using that day?
Thanks Vicky, Great video.
Temptation crime
Whenever you see Vicky start off the video in sweats, it's not good – it will probably be too cold for her string bikini shots… but she still looks great under her thermo's… what a tease… Does she have a boyfriend already? Don't break my heart…
4:15 o yea Vicky those leggings are the best
Go kitesurf. With love from Russia
Your very easy on the eyes Vickie. Say I haven't seen you in any new video's and I notice my viewers support was turned off. Smells of libs
and the shirt came off……
Nice video. Beautiful emm… fish)
Funniest shit ever that 60degrees is considered "chilly".
South Miami and Old Cutler road my old stomping grounds
My girls were born at Mercy…..88/89
Vicky Nice you are still beautiful
Vicky, you might follow some exercise routine to keep those beautiful abs and legs. Why don't you upload a video about your working out? Remember that Jesus loves you and He's waiting for you to become one of His daughters. Take care please. See ya.
Miami! The best place in the world
3:56 I've came to a conclusion that you look amazing in everything you wear

Are you have Facebook
Cant wait for new calendars you are amazing

She has one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen…..Smokin Hot I'd learn how to fish fo sho
Your body is tighter than a banjo string at a Kentucky bluegrass festival.
Girl you could get shit hot even ice fishing, bring your fine ass to Houston and fish in lake Houston
Thats my neighbors backyard!!
Nice video my friend ! Flysofishing Subscribe
Very good, miss!
I have a question for you. What was the hardest fish to catch, for you?
And the most difficult fishery, is it in the river or on the high seas?
Ok Vicky, it's been a month now! Time for a new video…. please.
I do like cammo
Hey vicky know any good inshore charters near pompano? Flying in feb.24th