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Painting with solar largemouth bass

in this video i will be showing how to paint a kickass bass


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  1. Great job painting!!!
    I do have a question about your scale pattern that you use on your fish?
    How can I get a realistic pattern to put on my lures before carving?
    Thanks for all your help & time by making your videos available to people who want to learn more about Lure making!!!
    Robert Fern

  2. Hello SolarBaits, your work is excellent. The video quality is excellent. I watched with great pleasure. Everything is clear and dohodchivo.Otlichnaya work.I subscribe to your channel. Thank you for the video.

  3. Hei Mikko.
    Voisitteko tehdä hyvä video jossa voit näyttää, miten olet malleja airbrushing?
    Pyydän anteeksi Suomen taitoni. Olen käännetty Google 😉

  4. Nice to see you posting again. As always, very nice work on the lure. That carving must have taken quite a while and lots of patience….turned out super-nice very realistic. Look forward to the next video to see the finish.

  5. Fantastic Video of painting the Bass. I believe this may be your best video yet!
    Have a question about the bass scales. Where the scales and fins first carved or were they painted on wit a stencil when you started ?

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