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Pa Spring Fishing for BIG FISH

Whether you’re creek fishing for trout, fishing a pond for bass or river fishing for musky spring is a great time to go fishing in Pennsylvania. I have done a lot of Spring fishing in 2022 so far, but I haven’t caught many big fish, so I challenged myself to catch big fish only. I hope everyone catches some big fish and has fun fishing this spring!
Videos you may also like:
Spring fishing in Pennsylvania –
How to catch trout –


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. It’s always fun stomping a creek/woods and find the honey holes. Make the catch much more rewarding. Hope youR arm gets better. Cheers to tight lines tomorrow for first day in PA. HOPES FOR A FULL STRINGER!!!

  2. I think I know where you are (but I won't tell anyone lol). I was there the other day scouting it but it was way to cold to set up and fish for any length of time. Thanks for post the video and letting me know there are a few nice ones to snag👍

  3. So where you at lol .ppl would slaughter them spots if you said where you are been there caught a state record up here oh caught him at x still can't fish the place pll are like flies there

  4. Wow. I didn’t know they cleaned this out that Lucy. I haven’t been here In a while. I’ll have to try it again. I’ve been trout fishing a ton lately at a local spot that you know but I won’t say cause they just opened it. But I can’t wait for Saturday it’s gonna be a blast. Where u going?

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