New Submissions


In today’s video, I set up a new aquarium for my NEW wild caught axolotl! I recently was told by a subscriber that he caught an axolotl in the Florida everglades, so I set out with a net in hopes of getting one, I ended up catching a rare orange crawfish, and an axolotl!! Leave a comment with a name for our new pet!

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  1. Hey, Bob. axolotls are becoming extinct in the wild and they can become salamanders by experiencing stress such as being picked up and placed in a bucket. So if you want one of these it would be really cool to buy one that is already used to captivity. I was very sad about this video, but I believe you didn't know this information.

  2. What do you catch that you didn’t know what it is it was a axolotl axolotl and I am and I love your videos I wanna go fishing one day but only when I was three years old I went fishing right thing and I know I went fishing it was fun I anyways I love your videos thank you for making limbs are you so good see ya hope you have some Raissa fishes look at your national shark second I have two of those things I think you have them by

  3. One thing that I know about exiles let’s go to your position like they care is not a baby because they make that might be a little trouble do you like eating blood worms have some frozen or long does make sure you’re like sand and that’s all I can say oh yeah and mostly axles are mostly found in Mexico so if you want to look there’s like tons
    Interest surprising that you found a great axolotl’s is actually in at three that’s supposed to be black but it’s a big tear so you might get a rare one but I know everything about XRS if you keep them in like in a little late freshman 30 K in my turtle meant to a salamander because they’re I am a big fan of your YouTube I am seven years old my well I’m not 17 at eight years old and I love your videos and goodbye and I have axolotl to it’s brown

  4. Axolotls are not good with each other if there from different lakes or rivers/Swamp/, because I had 2 from different pet shops and they bit their
    tails,legs,and gills of but the good thing is they grow back and when they get bigger your gonna need to make the tank way bigger And about some name ideas girls:Lulu,Midnight,Lola for boys:Bluey,Gary,Sushi,Sugar!Stay safe Bobby!Btw ur vida are AMAZING

  5. Axolotl’s can be there and if they lose a body part you’ll be fine they regrow it and I would give them a platform so that it can get go out of the water . Check if the axolotl has any things on its head like these ggills
    on their head.

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