In today’s video, I go netting in a tiny creek FILLED with exotic fish to put into my new aquarium! I finally redid my moms tiki hut tank and turned into in an underwater jungle PLANTED TANK! So I set out to one of my favorite spots in attempt to catch colorful fish for it! We netted around and placed fish traps and ended up catching tons of tetras including serape tetras, columbian tetras, AND MORE! We also caught a hillstream loach, a baby orange crawfish, mollies, and more unknown species we need help identifying! When we checked our fish trap we were shocked by how many rare aquarium fish we trapped! It was by far the most fish we ever caught here! We brought back all the cool colorful fish and put them into my moms tiki hut tank and they look AMAZING! Should we do a part 2?
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We FINALLY caught fish for the tiki hut tank! Should we go back and do a part 2?
Where’s the pike?
You caught Neon Tetras!! One of my favorite fish!! 7:32
l like this video please make like this shit
Such a cool and wholesome video
The blue and red fish are neon tetras!
That is a rainbow fish
I love catching the little ones
Neon Tetras bro
and that Red-Eye Tetra was actually a baloon variety the bigger blue one was a Dwarf neon Rainbowfish – an Australian species, the red and gold fish was a Rosy Barb. The little long-finned one was a Threadfin Rainbowfish and at 12:53 a Bleeding heart tetra. 13:33 a Black Neon Tetra
neon tetra
This is like the coolest vid I've ever seen
He caught neon tetras
Those red and blue tetras are Wild Neons
I use to love neon tetra ,mollies but all I can get from Uk rivers that small are stickel backs the rest all too big like carp ,perch ,tench and pikes
yo there neon tetras I have them in my tank
they are neon tetras

Neon tetras
Neon tetras
Those red and blue tetras are called neon tetras, but that's just my guess
Neon tetras 8:45
the red and blue fish was a neon terta i have 4 of them as pets
That stingray looking fish is the hong kong pleco so I dont think you will want that one
Red ones are bloodline Tetras in Australia also neon tetra

Respect ugly fish they have feelings