Here you can see the Ned Rig in action with more bass fishing from the bank. Last episode I caught a beautiful two pound largemouth bass on a ned rigged worm. Today we pick up where we left off, right after that big bass catch. Next Cast, I hook into another largemouth! Thats back to back bass on a ned rig! After moving down to the other end of the lake, I find more bass. I almost land other but it flops off the hook. But then it happens 2 casts later, I catch another bass! TIP: The ned rig is great for places without a lot of snags. It can bring the action! #fishing #realistic
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Sup Alex, great realistic fishing, we say if fish touches grass it counts lol, my favorite time year, few nice bass
, the tips gave shout using baits after missing something works, trench hawg I now take top 2 appendages off lol. Tyvm tc 
Great work! KIR
That lake is always better flooded I see
Such a nice looking club! And very nice catches! I like the hellgrammite it’s in my bag noticed a difference between brands though and I free rig it. The Ned is always there also! Have a great and safe Memorial Day!
Another great days fishing as always keeping it realistic

Good video Alex, nice bass
Awesome awesome as always my friend Alex

Happy Memorial Day
Nice haul. One of the only people that can pull bass like those out of chocolate milk
Great video Alex as always my friend!!!!!
Great looking fish. Love it when they get them pudgy bellies.
That sporting club has some beauties in it. Fun video.
Alex I just lost a public pay pond because of people with lack of respect.. they busted the gate and trashed the place.. that crap pisses me off I got some big fish out of it
Hello Alex happy fishing
Sunday nice bass always enjoying your fishing videos keep catching them fish 
Another awesome bass fishing video let's call you realistic bass fishing lol great job!!!
Keep up the pressure guys. We're watching from South Africa

This is the best unity for a just cause I have ever seen

1st ?
First comment champion, I always keep it realistic
You guys are true American heroes. Help rebuild the historic holy land of Palestine so that the native Palestinians finally can return home after a century of oppression and ethnic cleansing. Thank you so much.