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My Favorite Bass Fishing Rig for the Spawn

The Carolina Rig and the Texas Rig are no doubt bass catching machines. Both have their place but what if we combined them. This was my thought process when tying on this rig for the first time. I was surprised how the light weight Carolina Rig got bites even when the bass were not biting. I began to like it even more when I could convert it to a Texas Rig without retying. Now that the spawn is quickly approaching you can bet this will be on my front deck all season long.

And with the 2024 bass fishing season starting, we have a new challenge. I guess you could call it a new year resolution. Here on The Brave Angler, we are going to attempt to catch 1,000 fish this year. To keep track of our fish catches, we created a fish tracker book to record all of catches. You can use it to track your catches as well. All the proceeds raised from this fish tracker will go towards producing better content for you guys. You can purchase your fish tracker here.

Soft Plastic Fishing Lures:

#newyearresolution2024 #fishingchallenge #bassfishing


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Great video and thanks for the caroling rig tip! I'll definitely give it a try. So getting a 1000 fish this year will mean that you have to average about 2.8 fish a day. I definitely think you both can get this done! Looking forward to the updates. Keep up the great work!!

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