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MORE DRAMA: Trait Zaldain Accuses Trey McKinney of CHEATING AGAIN

The Bassmaster Elite Series is just about to start on Wheeler Lake and Trait Zaldain, Chris Zaldain’s wife has accused rookie angler Trey McKinney of getting tournament information from his old fishing partner. Trait twitted about her feelings and says there is more to come, but shouldn’t Trey be innocent until proven guilty? Is this jealousy from the Zaldain’s? Is it slander against Trey McKinney? And can we get anymore fishing drama in the Bassmaster Elite Series of Bass Fishing Tournaments?
#bassmasters #zaldain #fishingdrama

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  1. And I wish to God you all would get off people taking lie detector test that's just BS, JUST because you pass a lie detector test doesn't mean you're telling the truth and I think they need to get rid of them, they are not 100% accurate I think they're a waste of time and people rely on them way way too much

  2. Well my first opinion of this young angler is he is disrespectful, he is a sarcastic smart ass and when he got caught on plane running through a no-wake zone he thought it was no big deal blue off Gerald swindle and carried on like what he did was no big deal, that right there shows the character of that kid, which does not look good at all,.. so if he has a buddy that is fishing the opens I would about guarantee that he is telling him everything he needs to know.. not saying he isn't a good fisherman but he was seen breaking a rule and when he was confronted with it he didn't care and that speaks for itself.,. And what I think is funny this big uproar over forward facing sonar and the way they are fishing, we've been fishing like that for 15 years we call it tight lining, we mainly do it light fall all winter but we just didn't use sonar and we caught the s*** out of them, so in actuality what they're doing is nothing new they're just using forward facing sonar, wages been doing it without it, and honestly it ain't much different than damiki fishing in the South during winter time

  3. Every episode of the bilge trait brings up the 2018 split its so annoying. Trait MOVE ON. You're right it super negative and only further divides a sport already divided on mlf or bass ffs or no ffs grey areas cheaters. The world's views and problems are slowly creeping into the bass world.

  4. She apparently can’t shut up .. any normal person who is suspicious of something would sit back and see how the tournament unfolds before making accusations that could make her look like an ignorant c u next Tuesday … this is a shining example of when a man should advise his wife to refrain from reacting to emotion

  5. The whole Bass fishing profession needs an overhaul. When both leagues (BASS & MLF) let the sponsors dictate the business end, make calls to the tounament directors and make rule changes that benefit current market trends they're getting fat off of (i.e. FFS) while professionals are struggling to pay entry fees and have to find the perdiem to pay for traveling, lodging, and food expenses and by the way they are not on salary, trying to maintain their gear and keep up-to-date with new tech trends, etc., etc, etc., yeah I would say this profession really needs to be rebooted. When you have to spend $125k to $150k for a boat to include electronics and then entry fees, and as I stated before lodging, fuel, food and other expenses, you got to ask yourself why?

  6. Trait definitely wears the pants and Chris just lets her spout crap out all day everyday!
    Chris needs to grow a pair and stand up to his spouse. She is negative about everything unless it’s about her husband!
    She is ruining any credibility he has as a BASS Elite Angler!

  7. He is B.A.S.S new poster boy they are gonna let him cheat anyway he can… must be nice growing up and daddy buying you a boat and backing him… a lot of people could be there if they had the money backing them up.. smh MLf for life!!! 2 9inch screens is all you need

  8. You don't thinking ssome of the other elite pros may know someone fishing in that tournament? Just because you know someone is fishing doesn't mean you are up to something.

  9. The reason MLF was formed and everyone jumped ship is because BASS had issues. The people that stayed thought they'd dominate with all the guys leaving. That didn't happen. Now both BASS and MLF have people braking rules unchecked and nothing is happening unless its on video. Management for both organizations should be changed before it is irreversible.

  10. This is all on BASS, the truth no manner how they avoid it, "FFS" , plain and simple FFS is not a Sport and competition with out Sport is nothing but drama and who can talk the loudest….

  11. IMO neither one of them are good hosts / interviewers.
    The only reason it's 'marginally' successful is they have access to the 'big names' to be on the show.
    Mix in some dirt & drama and the 'average' viewer will watch . . . sort of like passing a car wreck, you know you shouldn't look but it's hard not too.
    I actually feel sorry for them that they 'have' to do that show, I'm assuming, to subsidize their income.
    It has to take a toll on Chris being able to focus on actually 'fishing', with all that nonsense & production going on.
    No Thanks.
    Kinda says a lot about the sad state of competitive bass fishing, when you've gotta run a 'Side-Show' as well just to stay relevant.

  12. These vets have been doing this for years but now that a group of young guys who are READY BECAUSE of what was created by B.A.S.S. with High School and College fishing not to mention 9 opens…the vets are getting beat by their own game not a video game and it hurts. Yes facts first! If I was a veteran Elite angler I would be insulted by the idea that these rookies are better than me with all my years of experience. Ask Chris if he scopes? Do y’all hate on him for not being a leader in the industry and publicly coming out against it? Nope. All hypocrites. She hates J. Wheeler too. Starting to see a theme. Still love their podcast but go catch em Chris. This is the first time I have been turned off by Trait. She seems darn brilliant to me but this is at the ridiculous point with the Trey bashing. Respect to everyone who watches and comments simply disappointed. Thought this B.A.S.S. community thing was supposed to bring people together.

  13. I mean by Traits tweet, and subsequent responses to people, every angler who has a friend that has fished any tourney on an Elite lake needs to be outed in the same manner and have their integrity publicly called into question. You’d be polygraphing 75% of the field every dang week! Speaking of, their pod with the polygraph guy was a very good listen.

    I think Trey has been polygraphed too, Milliken’s post about the rule change had Trey and one other young guy listed as passing their exams didn’t it? Could be wrong there but I’m pretty sure it did

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