I actually meant to order a larger size lure, because I didn’t even realize they came in this size. I think this is way more effective than the one I originally wanted would have been. I’m planning on reviewing a bunch of swimbaits and other lures pretty soon. I haven’t been able to shoot much lately, but hopefully things will be back on schedule soon.
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I know this is not exactly a comment on the video, but anyone reading this, if you would, and know the answer, please tell me what kind of treble hook these baits use. I broke one trying to pull it out of my pant leg, don't ask, and I'd like to buy some replacements. Not exactly information you are given when evaluating the bait, but something I do need to know at this particular time and place.
Where’s the link
Where can I get that little lure?
Actually the connecting material isn’t cloth but a high strength nylon strap. Similar to a ratchet strap you might use to tie down things with. I was fortunate back 8 years ago to get a bunch of various types of unpainted blanks to custom airbrush. The action is incredible and very lifelike compared to hinges baits
Seems like it would be decent for my local perch lake here in southern norway, they arent all that big down here so such a small soft bait seems like a great lure for em.
Big fish like small lures…that's why I downsized all my lures…you don't have to fish big lures to get big fish…
if im looking for any size fish to catch thats super good
its small swimbait and all size fish can go for it
How i wish i could buy that tiny swimbait can’t find one
I think if you take the split ring off it’ll swim a little straighter
Cool bro by from Indonesia
Where you buying them
I googled them and there's a lot of different types. What brand and where did you buy it?
dude I was in that exact same spot a few days ago just practicing casting different rigs
I can't find these anywhere. amazon says not available. Can you please help
Doubts are erased !
People try to slam Chinese products but I have had good luck with most of the Chinese products I bought! So far, 3/4 of the Chinese lures I bought work and I pay 1/10 the prices I would have paid for similar lures made by brand name American or Japanese companies!
You should use smaller rod, reel, and line with that tiny lure or it won't swim right! Go with ultra light rod and reel and 2-4 pound line to get a better evaluation.
Still didn't post the link in description?
I'll give it a try… thanks for the info… liked and subbed to help a fellow youtubing angler!
Very interesting video. Thanx for review.
Tilapia in Usa?
I used this for Pike and perch in Sweden but it didn't work. Bad luck
Need a BB gun don't trust no snake is that north of Military bridge?
Haha. Wow. What state are you fishing in. Good video. I might have to get one of those.
Use better line with low memorie. You will have more distance and affect on your lure. But over all good video.
What?!?!! I just made a tiny swimbaits because I didn't think anyone made one.. great video man
just liked and subbed. Keep it up
Just bought mine, my dad says it's one if the best lures he's seen in awhile, I'mma try it in the Ohio lakes during pre spawn, wish me luck!