
Mental Monday…When You Should Accept Change And When You Fight It

Randy talks about change…#catchandrelease #fish #bassmaster #bass #angler #bassfishing #fishing #fishingtrip #fishinglife #fishingdaily


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  1. Randy you rage against smoke shops like walmarts dont exist. Its massive corporations buying land and developing strip malls, its not the guy at the smoke shop making minimum wage who is making those decisions, in fact that guy at the smoke shop would probably side with you.

  2. You got the progress thing right. Most things pushed as progress these days are just a platform for really bad ideas that will end up with really bad consequences.

  3. Change for change's sake is just plain meaningless. I have the same gripe about the excessive use of the technology in our everyday lives these days. We've been told that technology will make our lives better, yet what technology actually did was to make Customer Service the responsibility of the Consumer. We no longer have Customer Service these days. In reality, everything is Self Service. What was once the responsibility of Corporations has now become our responsibility. All of this simply because Corporations are greedy, and enough is never enough for them. Per Forbes business magazine, CEO pay has skyrocketed to 361 times that of their average employee, up from a miniscule 20 times their average employee back in the 1950s. That ratio should have never changed. CEOs simply want more money at the expense of their employees and customers, and they are willing to do anything to achieve that.

  4. Mr Randy , how do we as fisherman get the excitement of getting ready and going fishing , the amped up feeling I used to get when I was younger , I miss that feeling so much , but for me now over 50 it’s gone , I’m still going to go fishing but that wanting to so bad is gone , I wish someone could explain it to me too ? No matter what the explanation is , I would love to here it good or bad

  5. The difficulty with your argument is that determining whether a “change” is good or detrimental is not simply black & white. It can easily be a matter of your perspective. While some changes are easy to determine if they are good or bad … abolishing all laws in society & let people do whatever they want … is easy to determine as a “bad” change”. However when you talk about other areas, like technology, it’s not black & white. For example, if the big electronics companies weren’t continually innovating they likely would also not be spending the sponsorship dollars they do which helps fund your livelihood as a tournament angler.also its dangerous to see everything through a single myopic lens like tournament fishing. If there were no such thing as tournament fishing there would be none of this supposed uproar over FFS. Recreational anglers for the most part don’t take fanatical stances against new technology when it comes out. In fact they are excited to try new things that potentially will help them catch more fish. Remember, the target market for new fishing innovations is NOT the tournament angler – it’s the regular weekend joe fisherman.

  6. You are right we really do have to pick which battles to fight and life is too short so stay positive as best as you can and do your best! Thanks Randy for a great Mental Monday video!

  7. Randy your mental Mondays are all the same, your sermons are all wrong, you ignore the truth about life! No one is going to CHANGE your mind about what you believe even though you are all wrong! So sad!

  8. IMO, people like parks etc. because they have all of the technology available to them that keeps them from living in that environment full time. Anyone here want to give up their amenities to live in "nature" full time?

  9. The serenity prayer says precisely this.
    God grant me to change the things I can. The serenity to accept those I can not. And the wisdom to know the difference.
    My walk in life has mirrored this.

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