This is the process I went through to make this Smallmouth Bass lure.
Wanting to send me something?
Marling Baits
PO Box 121
Marion, IA 52302
5:15 cute baby
I have 5 lure suggestions/requests that i think u should make:
1. a juvenile Bowfin
2. A baby turtle
3. giant bullfrog
4. An alligator gar
5. ( just for fun ) a severed finger with bone sticking out
I ran across the video where you said something like, "there is tupalo wood, but we don't need that". And now I've found the video where you proclaimed it to be the best. Digging throught the historic archives has been a journey.
This would slay Muskie
Did you ever fish with this?
Dude I LOVE this one!!! I need one!
I am a full believer in the back of the cup philosophy.. I've even glued cups upside down at some point for workstation..
I have never been able to watch the full video, but now, I've figured out you are very detailed. I am very detailed.I really like the bass.

You should make a fish filet lure
Dude I swear you make these lures look so good like a pro while Im over here accidentally cutting myself for every lure I make
to be fair im still starting out and as a teenager have a very limited tool selection so hopefully i can continue to learn from your vids and get better. Awesome work!
Hola, soy de México y me encanta tu canal, he llegado a fabricar mis señuelos viendo tus videos.,gracias por compartirnos tus conocimientos. Me gustaría que me pudieras decir dónde comprar la prensa de metal para también fabricar mis señuelos de goma de silicón. Un gran saludo y muchas gracias por tus vídeos
A sturgeon should be made
Magnifique fabrication de leurres, mais il risque d'être détruit rapidement sous les dents des carnassiers. J'ai aussi fabriqué des leurres en bois pour la pêche au thon et autres gros poissons, en utilisant la même méthode, mais moins bien finis, et bien, ils ne duraient pas longtemps !
Part 2
Sometimes you use a black glue. What kind is that and why?
my favourite wood…. for lures ..
Can you sell me one?
nice worksop!
Do you know notice a difference in the way the bait swims with hand-carved tails vs soft-mold tails?
“Gold speckled turd” I love it
You should do a segmented Peacock Bass
Thats such a cute video I think!

Im from Germany and im not a Fisherman or…"Angler" we would say but I am a Carpenter so the wood stuff is more my speed…
This is probably the third video of you that I watched and…with all the little giggles and this cuuuuuuute lil human entering your shop…
man I love the spirit, the lures are great…keep up that stuff and I hope you enjoy your life like it seems in this piece of Video
Have a nice week everyone!
PS: The carving you do is INSANE, it just looks good and I think I can tell that you have years of experience watching yourself work and try and error the shit out of that wood!
Smallmouth is about the strongest fighter pound for pound.
Im trying to hear whats the name of the Wood is.
But i dont hear it, sorry, can you help me with the name of it.
Your tutorials i great.
It would be awesome if you did a large mouth bass the same way. But instead of 5 inches you should make it 10 or 12 inches. Make it beastly
I like sun bass. Largemouth sun bass
In belgium we actually call sunfish zonnebaars that litteraly sunbass
wooow, that is one beautiful lure, bravo!
Dude this small mouth is sick
Whatever happened with the rod building?
I’m starting to think you follow my country playlist on Spotify, every song I’ve heard play in your videos is in my playlist
love your videos!
my favorite one you have made thus far, probably because smallmouth bass are my favorite. There's something about that tigerstripe camo pattern they get.
Dude that is so sweet.
Yeah that drop test actually works for me. You can hear just how much harder the wood is
Did we ever get to see You fish with this?
Did you ever fish with this one? That’s an insanely beautiful bait.
That's sad. I was excited to see a smallmouth Glide bait instead random topwater lure. Needs Moore swimbaits/Glide baits