Are you in to fishing lure customization and building lures? In this video I show you the easy way to take any swimbait and make it a line thru custom swimbait with the new Bass Mafia Daingerous Swimbait.
Fattube Line Thru
Bass Mafia Daingerous Swimbait
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Thank you Mikey I love this

Run a heavy steel leader through the bait, pull it out and insert a coffee straw. Trim the ends, run you line through and tie up your favorite hook. @mikeyballz
Hey bub, I have a question for you. I remember in an old video you were talking about the Mini Max…and I thought you mentioned something about if you usually throw a 3/8 oz in the normal size then you should get either a 1/4 or 1/2 oz in the Mini Max for some reason. You know what I'm talking about?
Its great to have options and I appreciate seeing new innovations however I see no advantage over using a jig head or keel weighted hook, add stinger if higher hookup percentage is a concern.
Great videos brother ! Where do you find the lead wire to add to hook to help bail get deeper. I have looked everywhere and I guess I don’t know what to ask for at hardware store. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I do this with my flukes…
I have used coffee straws for awhile lol, but I'll try other ways.
They will be releasing the "Loaded" version which is the line thru version of the "Dangerous " swimbaits, so you won't have to do anything to them!
What about a top hook
Great tip
I love all the JDM joy boys crying over this swim bait being a knock off of the mag draft. When in reality it’s 100 times better than the magdraft free style.
Mr. Big Balz, excellent tip and wonderfully detailed instruction! The pros are going to be upset with you letting out this secret. Unfortunately tw is currently out of stock.
You need to spit on that shaft too slide it in easier man poor swimsuit girl hope your better to her
Tell you what you need to use VMC slider tungsten weight…if you want it to get down it’s money
When more weight is desired for deeper and faster retrieves, I use Neko weights. To port out the holes for the fat neko weight heads, I use the handle from a cheap stylus (after pulling off the rubber tipped end piece) to core out just enough plastic for the neko head to fit completely in the body. Along with replacing the factory eyes, with bigger soft plastic/plastisol molded eyes (permanently bonded with "Mend It") I do this all the time with my new swimbaits, now, before I ever use them.
Currently, I'm trying to get my Magdraft to walk the dog without removing the boot tail.
The pop rivet was mentioned, but if you want weight you can use a brass arrow insert.
Look at the brain on Balzz. Great tip. Been looking at the line throughs lately.
Love your channel but this looks like garbage
Valley hill makes a great version of this with reverse edges to keep the tube in the plastics
Mikey you can also try for smaller baits use a metal tube spacer used on spinnerbaits.
Great video buddy
Probably lube that tube with some mend-it first!!!
Damn that tube rig is the size of a 308 round
Just pop a plastic tube through it. No need for all that bs.
You can use a pop rivet sleeve as well for much cheaper and it works really well. Those even work on a fluke to make it a line through. The pop rivet will be lighter than those will as well.
Hey Bog!
Good tip.
The 6th Sense Treble Head is the deal. Rigs the hook on top where it belongs and it catches them, you end up with a weightless treble hook in the top or side of the mouth. Not snagless but close.
Like the idea homie but looks a bit to gawdy imo i prefer the old capri sun straw fits any and all swimmers no drills required
Digg'n it. Had a thought…line up your Fattube and heat a finish nail with a torch and run it through to get your pilot hole.
Lol all you need instead of all this is a sewing needle and a simple knot to bring the line through the bait then tie a hook.
I've been making my own for years so I could put the hook on the top. Now 6th sense is going to make one.
Mr. Ballz here is the best trick tip secret you will ever get for putting a line through a bait get a regular q-tip pull the fuzzy off both ends trim it back just a tad make a point on it and there you go that is perfect it's cheap it's inexpensive it's readily available everywhere and nobody thinks about it.
Always disliked the Magdraft, until this year, I caught multiple quality northern prespawn bass, and a new PB with that ultra slow cadence. Definitely throwing it around docks in the summer, then late fall when they feed up one last time.
imake my line threw with a pop rivet take it apart and use the needle to make your hole take the sleeve into your bait push yopur line threw buy pop rivets at home depot
I love mad scientist stuff when it comes to fishing. The best ones always look store bought. That's how this mod looks. Would you ever use a bobber stop to sort of inhibit how that line moves?