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Mackerel & Bass Tacos ! Amazing Fishing from a Small commercial fishing Boat !

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  1. Some uneducated comments on this video.
    This is a commercial fishing boat, like it or not this is how its done people.
    By not knocking each fish on the head it retains its quality- no blood leaches into the flesh.
    This is by far a more sustainable form of commercial fishing as very little by-catch.
    Unlike the trawlers that capture a tonne at a time!

  2. Ere' a top tip from my ex-wife is if you want to make the batter extra-crunchy it's advisable to add a spoonful of sand during the mixing process. Also do you think if you caught a gurnard and kept him as a pet you should call him Bernard ? Similar with Herbert the Turbot obviously. I'm all at sea most of the time (aged 64).
    Btw every time you show a conger eel's head it reminds me of my mate in St.Austell when he looks in the mirror in the bogs in Wetherspoons. Do keep up the good work in the community.

  3. Great video,Smash was the star again,any way I just wanted to say that when I had a dog he absolutely loved mackerel when ever I went fishing and got some i boiled him four big ones then broke them up making sure there were no bones and mixed it with some dog biscuits and he loved it and your right it’s really good for them.🇬🇧👍🏻🦴

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