In this video, I head out with Smash Fishing in search of some bass. We’d be roaming around the rocks, stopping for a few casts in any areas we thought looked promising. Check out the video to see how we got on. Thanks for watching and see you on the next one
#fishingwithcal #bassfishing #lurefishing #pesca #pescaesportiva #seabass
Another enjoyable video Cal,I enjoyed that,I’m just back from the Algarve,I caught a couple of half decent size Spotted Bass on 30g Pearl Savage Seeker,looking forward to your next video, pity about those surface lures.

Where abouts is this cal. I'm over for 2 days and gagging to get on a bass end of this week
Hay is the other guy from the channel smash fishing I think that what is called? I’m new to both of the channels and I really enjoy them

Was fishing a mark low water for bass and i was casting as far out as i could, a local put me right, he told me to cast close in first with small lures in case the fish were right in, less chance of spooking fish with your line on the retrieve, he was spot on, caught close in the next low tide..
Looks like youre fishing in a barber shop. Someone should sweep up all that hair, it could be a hazard. Raymondo. x
Great video mate! Looking forward to getting out and trying to catch a bass on a lure soon!
Cal, your video popped up along with Billy, Slippy and the fish locker. Without thinking, I clicked on yours first. What does that tell you lad?
Great to see you both fishing together!
Top Anglers!
See your fishing with Mr Smash

Why don’t you try foraging with him at night
Big bass in the shallows
Come on you basslets , all day long
Not so many bass about anywhere it would seem. Hopefully, the autumn will bring a change.
At least you got a couple.
Try again tomorrow.
Good to see ya back mate.. good work
Some nice fishing
Cal said the F word!
I Just came Back from Brittany in Fra esnce
Unfortunatelly No Bass but a 4kg " Bonito", Pollack garfish and wrasse
Definetly next time