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Logan Martin Bass Tournament – June Fishing 2021

#loganmartin #basstournament #bassfishing
Hey everyone thanks for checking out my video ! Today’s video is from Lake Logan Martin in pell city alabama. me and pawpaw fished a bremen marine tournament at logan martin on june 26 2021. we blasted off looking for some big coosa river spots and largemouth bass -we weighed in 5 fish for 7.80 pounds and had a 2.65 largemouth that was our biggest fish ! Unfortunately we didn’t win any money- it took 13.6 pounds to win and just over 11 pounds to get the last check . we had a great day catching fish on swim jigs, shaky heads , crank baits , and even one on a jerk bait ! thanks for checking out my channel i appreciate it and make sure to leave a like and subscribe thanks


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Hey Jacob I fished that tournament as well saw you almost kill yourself on the dock that morning lol. I started to introduce myself but that launch time was kinda busy. We weighed in about the same weight as you guys just never got on any big fish. I’ll try to catch up with you later and shake your hand. You do a good job with your videos and I am sure they will get even better. Good luck to you in the future, tight lines and God bless you and your grandfather. Good to see you guys making memories together

  2. Started following with a renewed interest in fishing thanks to my 5 year old girl finding a fascination with it. I have been recently looking at tournament videos and even bought a boat project to possibly take her out to do some daddy-daughter tourneys next year. Appreciate the content, I prefer the longer videos if you are looking for any kind of advice from a viewer. I think 15-30 minutes on a fishing video is good depending on how much action is in it. Keep up the good work.

  3. that's a good bag for fishing shallow this time of year. But you might want to get off the bank and start fishing and looking for some offshore brush piles. I live in South Carolina and that is what the majority of our fish are doing right now this time of year. You will catch some big fish up shallow on bream beds during the middle of the day, but you can fill out your limit fish on offshore brush and structure.

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