Randy shows everybody the lure way He caught a big bass on last week….#bassmaster #catchandrelease #angler #fishingdaily #fish #bassfishing #fishingtrip #bass #fishing #fishinglife
Baitwrx blaukat school jig…https://bait-wrx.com/products/randy-blaukats-old-school-jig
Lake map breakdowns…https://fishthemoment.com/lake-breakdowns
Virtual lessons…https://fishthemoment.com/virtual-lessons
Blaukat Solar bat sunglasses link.. https://www.solarbat.com/products/rb2-fishing-sunglasses
Thanks for sharing ,Randy !
OMG, an informative video without a rant. Ty
So did u win the 100k?
This is what makes you and your channel so good. Thanks, Randy!
Great looking jig.
Awesome fish catch.
Way to go bud
Four keepers each day is hardly a pattern. That fish would have likely but any jig of any color, and even a soft plastic.
Do you miss your old man cave?
You have a great life , if you can enjoy what you love ! That goes for everyone .
I got this Blaukat old school jig in that color! Hopefully I can get out and try my luck!! Hope you can get a five bag limit of 7 pounders in the tournament!! Thanks Randy!!
Day 3 looked like a tough day for everyone.
A man catch 5 of those hogs and he takes home the bacon. Good Luck next time out.
Nice lookin' bait…really like the idea of a big jig n' craw…that zoom chunk looked pretty large
Good looking jig , thanks for sharing it
I’ve got one, in 3/8
Looks like a 3 pounder to me