Tips N Tricks

KVD’s Winter Bass Fishing Secrets : VanDam’s Crankbait Tips

The GOAT, Kevin Vandam, aka KVD is talking about power fishing in cold water and how a fish uses their lateral line. Bass use this part of their body to hunt and find food in the winter. Vandam recounts a story with a Japanese angler where he fished a finesse worm in chocolate milk and still caught 5 to every 1 fish that KVD caught, demonstrating the importance of the lateral line in catching bass. In cold water, bass do not like things close to them, they will swat at things that are close to them, so be sure to fish flat-side crankbaits that have a tight wobble, or a wiggle wart-style bait, as they have a great sonar profile that fish can find with their lateral line.

KVD’s favorite cold water crankbait for winter power fishing is the KVD 1.5 Flat (
KVD’s favorite wiggle wart style wide wobble crankbait is the Strike King Series 4


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  1. KVD is like a fishing god. His knowledge of this sport is just unbelievable. Would love to meet him one day and fish with him, as well as learn so many new things from him too

  2. CLICKBAIT!!!!!!!! it said G.O.A.T but I didn't see Roland Martin in the video no where. Lol! But in all seriousness I would have to say Roland was the most dominating angler ever. KVD is definitely one of the goats. But if I had to pick one it would be Roland.

  3. Is there a way to watch these full videos on YouTube? I'm signed up on the website but the videos always pause and buffer but I can watch a YouTube video all the way through. Its probably my signal though.

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