Kevin VanDam finds some of the first open water in Michigan to test out his equipment and do a little bass fishing. Find out why the @StrikeKingLure Rage Swimmer in the 3.75 inch size is one of his go to baits once the ice melts.
Strike King Rage Swimmer :
Team Lew’s Signature Series Mark Zone spinning rod :
Lew’s Custom Lite spinning reel :
#winterfishing #IceOut #bassfishing #fishingislife #fishinglife #fishingtips #TieOneOn #StrikeKingLureCompany #RageSwimmer #BassFishing #BassFishingTips #BassFishingLures
@bassproshops | @CostaSunglasses | @MossyOak | @MustadFishing | @toyotausa | @nitroboats | @MinnKotaMotors | @LewsFishing | @lithiumpros | @ThermaCELL | @GrillwithWeber | @turtleboxaudio | @THMarineSupplies | @MercuryMarine | @yeticoolers | @HumminbirdTV
#teamoutdoors #toyota #weberpartner #costapartner #mossyoakpartner #strikekingpartner #mustadpartner #toyotapartner #humminbirdpartner #thmarinepartner #mercurymarinepartner #yetipartner #kevinvandam #kvd #Fishing #outdoorsports #humminbird #Yeti #BuiltfortheWild
More KVD:
Kool stuff!
shared to 613BASS'N
How bout them LIONS!
Even though Kevin explained why he was using it, it's taking a few to get used to seeing him putting in work with a spinning setup… I've learned so much power fishing tip from Kevin over the years and very much appreciate it
I think even KVD’s ability to teach different fishing concepts/seasonal patterns in a no nonsense way ALMOST rivals his competitive prowess on the tournament trail. He just has knack for telling it how it is in simple terms. I remember reading KVD bass strategies book in the early 2000s after his first Classic win and that book along with several others was written in the same way. Simply the GOAT for sure. Keep videos like this coming!
Wolf lake?
I can’t wait till that ice out day! Still too much here in Maine. Thanks for the video KVD!
Already is in my book!
“AW some” video
Loved this! Thank you for sharing!!
I’m love being from the same town as this guy and shopping at d&r and even knowing his nephew
Best part of the video? Kevin biting the head off the swimbait and putting it in his pocket. Most guys would just spit it into the lake. Kudos.
Makes me wish I didn’t winterize and store my boat this winter.
Thanks Kevin great to see you on the water
Soooooo much to learn here!
Next up: How to catch big bass from shore in the middle of winter.
good stuff
The best teacher in the game
As a michigander myself ice out is hands down my favorite time of the year to fish. Were talking hogs son!
Buddy of mine in Sturgis said he stuck a couple nice ones on Portage Lake yesterday… I miss fishen up there even though Eufaula and Seminole are minutes from where I live now.
Your killing me man!! Love the boat can’t wait to get out myself.
Just the video I needed! Even planning a trip to d&r this weekend to pick some supplies up!
Keep em coming KVD!
I can't find an open lake. Friday one was open and it was froze Saturday morning
Yup. This is gonna become one of the best Youtube fishing channels now that KVD has time to put out content!
If this is kvd retirement consider me in full time.
It's actually way better then watching guys stare at a screen with the spinning rod tip down just waiting.
Kvd the goat
The power fishing legend