Fishing The Grand River on my Kayak in Kitchener, Waterloo, Fergus, Belwood, Cambridge, Brantford area for GIANT SMALLMOUTH BASS! Using Jigs, Whopper Ploppers, and more to catch these local river monsters that fight like whales. Stay tuned to the end where I catch my 2022 Biggest Smallmouth from the grand!
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Fishbrain: @GrandAngling
Ahh dude I know you from the grand Facebook page. Hahahaha… Randomly came across your channel. That’s awesome.
Nice video ,, How you like fishing from a Yak,,?
What city (area) of the grand are you fishing ?
What type of line where you using?
Are you in flora because I LIVE THERE and I would love to catch some bass of my kayak
That was a nice smallmouth man! I’m going to check out some of your other videos too. I love going on floats for smallmouth there’s nothing like it. Keep up the good work!
Some really nice smallies! Top water action is the best! A net will help you tremendously while kayaking. Looking forward to seeing more content… new sub here.
I don't have any experience of kayak or canoe fishing. I was just wondering how you would go back to where you launch the kayak. Do you have to go all the way upstream?
nice, wow i actually have the same yak and fish in cambridge.
I've done the same thing with my camera work practice makes perfect killer video dude gonna have to hit the grand next year keep it up

I gotta get back over there! Been spending a lot of time on Lake St Clair chasing smallies! Nice job buddy! New sub!
Great footage & nice video man, you had a good day! Rebecca & I need to adventure back up on the grand! Congrats on the PB!
Nicely done.
Great video. Really shows what the grand can produce. You mentioned new rod mojo, what rod did you get? Thanks for the video.