Tips N Tricks

John Crews SCHOOLS Us On Spinnerbaits and Fishing BIG Glidebaits || Spring Bass Fishing

If you’d told me a few years ago I would be fishing with @JohnCrews for the day – I wouldn’t have believed you. Can’t thank John enough for his time, and @AnglersChoiceMarine for setting it up! We were able to spend the day chasing some very early Spring bass, John shared some juicy spinnerbait tips and we had some glide action. Please be sure to check out John’s social medias linked below, and leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it.

I’ve got some tournament videos coming your way next week so keep your eyes peeled! I know you guys have been waiting, and I appreciate it.

Johns Youtube Channel – @JohnCrews

Wouldn’t have happened without @AnglersChoiceMarine (Use my code SB10 to save 10%)

Follow Me On Instagram! –


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. John seems like such a cool dude, I’d love to get a chance to fish with him and pick his brain. Also, Missile baits are the deal!! I love his new colors in the spunk shad, and I’ve been using the d-bomb, the 48 worm, and his Ned bait for a long time. They flat out catch fish.

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