If you’d told me a few years ago I would be fishing with @JohnCrews for the day – I wouldn’t have believed you. Can’t thank John enough for his time, and @AnglersChoiceMarine for setting it up! We were able to spend the day chasing some very early Spring bass, John shared some juicy spinnerbait tips and we had some glide action. Please be sure to check out John’s social medias linked below, and leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it.
I’ve got some tournament videos coming your way next week so keep your eyes peeled! I know you guys have been waiting, and I appreciate it.
Johns Youtube Channel – @JohnCrews
Wouldn’t have happened without @AnglersChoiceMarine
https://www.acmtackle.com (Use my code SB10 to save 10%)
Follow Me On Instagram! – http://bit.ly/sbfishingtv
Thanks for having me on, Matt! I learned from you too. Tons of fun. Maybe a little warmer next time. LOL
My parents are really good friends with him
Pretty damn cool!!! It is getting warmer ya know, huh!?! Let's Gooooooo!!! Be Safe
Is it me or is the spinner bait link missing from the description? 14:41
It's warmer weather now or on the way LoL thanks
Now THAT looks like spring in the Northeast (ish) lol
Hey Matt I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much good for you bro being able to fish with John I like him he seems like such a humble bass fisherman.
SB And Crews
I know that lake
John is the man!! It can be tough for sure. But looks like y'all had an AWESOME time!! Jealous too!!
John seems like such a cool dude, I’d love to get a chance to fish with him and pick his brain. Also, Missile baits are the deal!! I love his new colors in the spunk shad, and I’ve been using the d-bomb, the 48 worm, and his Ned bait for a long time. They flat out catch fish.
This was an Awesome surprise!
Bro that is so awesome dude. He is such a awesome guy. I met him at both Classics. He is super cool!!
I would kill to fish with Crews! Dope video… he was like “I watch your content”
More content squishing best content around!
Would love to fish with you some day I know me and a bunch of other’s but never know keep doing what you’re doing and I love the Chanel be safe tight lines

What was the water temp?
I have Jon many times at my local tackle store, he is an awesome guy. Super nice and will share so much knowledge with you
Great tips from the man himself John Crews. So cool you get to fish with him.
that was so cool
Dang what an opportunity! Congrats bro