Jig Fishing and Prespawn Bass. One of the best times to fish a jig is during the prespawn. Big female bass are preparing for the spawn and in need of a high protien meal. Jigs offer a good sized meal that is appealing to big bass. While a jig may not be the best way to locate fish, it can be very productive in getting the bigger fish to bite.
Jigs and trailers
Paca Craw
Yamamoto Flappin Hog 3.75in
California Resavoir Jig 1/2 oz
YoZuri Hybrid Line 15lb (very strong)
I am sorry but i am not telling no one what to do but i can recall when i was in my 2nd year bass fish i was in a club tournament and i link with a older guy i think he was about 70 years old and he taught me a valuable lesson he said you only 3 baits to catch a bass a worm , crank bait, and a spinner bait but he said i also keep a C-rig tied up and a jig but he said this is why you have so many people struggle to catch fish because when you have that much stuff you will always second guess yourself so now all i have in my bag is a couple of spinner baits, a few crank baits , some worms and some C-rig baits and i trust my gut i don't need 25 rods but good luck if that is what works but i still talk to that guy and he still out fishes a lot of people in that club
I use Johnny C’s Hair Jigs. Best on the market.
After three good water years, Clear Lake bass were bound to be getting bigger. Same probably true at any shallower lake that's prone to kills in low-water years. And I thought I was the only person using Yo=Zuri hybrid. Stuff kills.
Shawn, did you fish West Coast Bass in the 80s and 90s? Just curious.
Good video Shawn! Hope you do well in your tournament!
Those Johnny C jigs are the real deal. Thank you for turning me onto them. I also happen to be named Johnny so hey I guess it was ment to be
. Thank you for another great video Sean hopefully
your Sunday is going well. Tight lines good luck again in your tournament !!