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J4 Hmong Yellow Bass Fishing at Fairmont(CatchCleanCook)


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Cool memories made bro. Was there on new years and it was lit up too. Caught crappies too. Back to back, crappie is better. I filleted and deep fried both, crappies are still better. I cut the bloodline off the YB and still take crappie over YB. YB is like white bass but only smaller and is less 'meaty' flavor, even with bloodline cut off. Still good eating though.

  2. I just read an article about how invasive they are down there. It's maddening about the disrespect of our lakes that people have for putting fish where they shouldn't be. Thanks for putting in the work to harvest them! 🫡

  3. Bro the guy with the super long rod was just halirious. Man's was just reeling the fish so hard and making the yellow bass fly all over the place

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