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It’s Time We Talk About All The Cocky Rookie Bass Pros…

Randy talks about cocky rookies…#bassmasters #bassfishing #bassfishingleague #fishing #angler #basslake #lake #bassmasteropens #bass #angler

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  1. It’s the generation, not just fishing. Watch any pro sport and there’s just no respect for the game anymore. Why would they be respectful with the way they’re raised.

  2. Why would anyone want any advice from a has been? Never seen any of these kids say one bad thing about you, yet you rage your holy war against them calling them cheaters and cocky. All you has beens are beyond entitled. Going to be funny watching you all drift off into oblivion.

  3. Im 52yrs young and enjoy seeing the youngsters coming along. But take them back to the time before ffs and active target. Give them a flasher and a eagle supra pro id n let's see what happens

  4. Forward facing sonar should not be allowed in tournament fishing. Fish like old school with sonar that comes with the boat. I've fished for years without any kind of sonar. Great job Randy your an old school fisherman 👍🏻

  5. Wise words and thank you, Randy. “Humbleness and Respect” is what I teach my young son. He’s only ten, however a great little fisherman. Now that he’s 10yo, his big step is this year is a round reel which is the Abu 5500. He will learn to control the round reel before he is introduced to the nimble, easier to use, modern bait casting reel. Meanwhile I will keep drilling him with humbleness and respect, and teaching him to be responsibly cool.

  6. Go listen to the bass after dark podcast when Ben Milliken attacked Randy for being anti livescope. It pissed me off listening to Ben degrade fishing because of his lack of knowledge of fishing.

  7. Let’s talk about the general douche baggery that is taking over bass fishing across the board. Not just a few young “pros” but every meatus who has a nitro or a skeeter fishing a Thursday night jackpot acting like they are on the Bassmaster elite trail. It’s turned into a dick jumping contest at the ramp.

  8. Spot on Randy. Id like to see these hipsters in there Joe cool fishing clothes fish for eight hours with a thermos of well water and a can of anchovies without crying for a energy drink and protein bar.

  9. Well Done! I was humbled in 1990 at Bull Shoals as an Am, drew Bitter, Moseley, Mitchell, and the Zell. That was EPIC, CHANGED MY LIFE! Like you said, ALWAYS RESPECT, the Legends like yourself, who actually taught you how to Fish. I can honestly say, what Jim, God Bless his Soul, Randy Moseley and ZELL taught me, you CANT replace that with FFS. I have a DEEP respect for all of you, from the late 80's, VERY fortunate, to have been able to do 4 BP
    s as an A. Made lifelong friends, learned invauluable techniques and baits. I have a few pics of you from that event if you want them. Cheers Randy!

  10. in other words, you are terrible and have been completely surpassed (along with most older pros) by anglers who are miles better than them. maybe you shouldn’t have tried to grow the sport, because this is what happens. young people are dominant in every sport on earth.

    FFS, and whatever other BS excuse you have is all irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what the scales say at the end of the day. The scales are saying that you are bad, and that there are hundreds of young phenoms who aren’t.

    After watching your videos, my suggestion to you would to be to hang it up and stop giving your input. it’s the equivalent of talking into a void. it’s all meaningless, and you’re not leading some movement of change in the sport.

  11. Since the seasonal patterns have all been proven wrong the only knowledge you having from 50 years is mostly wrong the young anglers don't care about the 50 years of wrong knowledge of the wrong seasonal patterns that's why they are winning they didn't care about that wrong info and went and learned by them self what is actually going on . Maybe a lot of the old guys should be asking the young ones what they have learned

  12. They aren’t on tour to make friends. And the rules you speak of being broke were self policed because he’s a stand up guy lol and they use technology because that’s what it takes to be competitive. As for the 120k boat truck etc etc that’s also part of the game now.. I don’t like that boats are the prices they are. But they have to have them. But hey I’m glad they help you get views. You should be happy to see others winning and doing well instead of constantly dragging all the “scopers” in the ground lol

  13. Not sure I totally agree with this. Before FFS, there was a wave of young anglers displacing the old guard. Before the split, the names in Bass were Jordan Lee, Jacob Wheeler, Brandon Palanuik, Seth Feider, and lots of other younger anglers that were learning to adapt to new techniques while the old guard seemed to be stuck in their ways and not willing to adapt…not just with technology, but with baits and being more versatile anglers. Once upon a time, you could be a "power fisherman" or "off-shore" guy and just try to be the best at that one thing. The new young anglers learned the value of versatility and the old guard was mostly stuck in their ways. This isn't a argument for or against FFS, but I think Randy identifies with the old guard and wants to believe that is the golden era of bass fishing because he's part of it…I think the old guard was awesome and should get tons of respect, but lots of young anglers brought a new passions and new ideas to the sport and are moving it forward and Randy might want to show some respect to those kids, cuz they have been kicking the old guards butts even before FFS.

  14. Why don't you go win some tournaments with a livescope and show us how easy and unfair it really is. Until then, you just come off as sour grapes. If you can't beat em, trash em I guess.

  15. Take a look at the TPA, no ffs tournament. Not a lot of younger guys fished it. There are a few who did. Might be coincidence, but the majority of guys who fished it have years of experience fishing without ffs. Would like to see these young rookies go fish that tournament. TPA, restricts waypoint to only those made during the 3-4 hr ride around and on tournament days. If these rookis fished that and did well, then I would say they are not just spotlighters.

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