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Inside the Workshop + Bass Fishing at the Pond!! Ep. 3

hey guys, welcome back 🙂 i’m trying to get on a 2x a week video posting schedule but with hunting season and working at the farm, it has been tight! Working on it! Hope you guys enjoy this update video of the workshop and the pond!

Thanks for watching 🙂


i do not own any of this music.

#bassfishing #lilredheidihood #farmlife


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. I’m glad that you open carry🔫for protection but, I think 🤔 where you live you might need something larger that can stop a bear 🐻 & have a lot of extra brass ready to reload, semi automatic maybe with extra clips 🙏🏽🇺🇸👍🏽🤙🏽🍀🔱🤿😁

  2. I know from experience that putting up Insulation it can be very itchy very irritating everything and I notice. You have gloves on your hands but you don't have gloves on your butt cheeks what's up with that

  3. Je vous dit la viretie le chardonnert ci le maitre et ci le prince de tous les ouaseux un chapeaux pour le chardonnert je vous concille prenie soien de vous chardonnert ne les sortirie pas a le couronder faite et cen vous laoui danie un bain ci avec du leaux choud et danas la salle de bian et firemille bien les porte

  4. Je vous saprent comment prononce une sortie tiwawati titet riala djou djou djou trrrrrrtak lay lay watiw cette sortie tiwawati ci la titet riala ci cois titet riala ci tune passade crie par le chardonnert ci cois djou djou ci tune coud rosinole virouyille trrrrrrtak ci la galoipi la galoipi ci tune mandoline avec une casataniet a le coud de marteaux et le lay lay ci tune passade qui ce prononce lay lay et le say say et le saw saw ci dit passade noumber de famille et dit passade de tous espèces de ouaseux et watiw ci la tiwawati

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