5 Giant Muskie on Georgian Bay In One Day!
July Muskie/Musky fishing – In this fishing video we show you how to catch summer muskie fishing in Canada on Georgian Bay. Spinnerbaits and bucktails are the best muskie lures for this time of year and we show you how to catch fish on them in today’s fishing show where we are casting for Georgian Bay musky. We share some of our best fishing tips along the way while catching fish so you know they work. We expect the muskie to be in summer locations outside of spawning areas and we show you how to target them at this time of year.
The Giants of Georgian Bay is a fishing movie series following our quest to find and catch all the big fish that swim in it. In this fishing show you’ll see Northern Pike fishing, Walleye fishing (Pickerel), Muskie / Musky fishing, and Smallmouth Bass fishing action! The great lakes are home to big fish and we are after the biggest Georgian Bay musky we can find. Georgian Bay fishing is world class but can take time to learn how to find fishing spots. There are plenty of big fish on the great lakes and some of the best fishing in Canada is in Georgian Bay!
No matter if you’re looking for Northern Pike Fishing Videos, Walleye Fishing Videos, Muskie / Musky Fishing Videos, Smallmouth Bass Fishing Videos or just fishing tips videos we have got you covered!
New Wave Fishing Academy is here to teach you all we know and everything we continue to learn about fishing. Our mission is to help you become a more successful angler by helping you learn about fish, teach you how to catch fish (while catching fish), and provide fishing tips on how to fish & how to find fishing spots so you can have the best fishing experience. We use fish biology and optimization based strategy to make the most of our limited time on the water and you can too! Learn about fish, how to catch fish, and our overall strategies for how to fish our downloadable courses. All of our courses are fishing for beginners friendly .
Looking for how to fish for beginners content? Our Zero To Hero Fishing Masterclass is the ultimate fishing for beginners resource that will not only teach you how to catch fish but how to catch big fish! Check it out at the link below:
Looking for fishing tips & how to catch fish while fishing with lures? If you want to learn how to fish a specific bait or technique we have short 15 minute courses that have all you need to know to learn how to fish a specific bait for all of todays best bass lures, best walleye lures, best pike lures, & best musky lures. Each course takes a how to fish for beginners approach so you can get to catching fish fast:
#muskyfishing #georgianbayfishing #newwavefishing
KEEP IT ROCKIN" newsub from "TIGER'S ONLY" Idaho,USA!
The first best day of many!
Congrats on the Georgian Bay trip.