I take you through the detailed process of building the perfect tournament-ready Nitro Z20XL! In this in-depth walkthrough, I’ll share everything you need to know about selecting the right sonar, trolling motor, power poles, and batteries to optimize your boat for peak performance on the water. Join me and my friends at GAF Marine as we break down each step, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge to create your dream bass boat.
From choosing high-quality components to the final assembly, this video is packed with expert tips and insights that anyone looking to buy a boat in 2025 should know. Whether you’re a competitive fisherman or a weekend warrior, you’ll learn how to enhance your boat’s capabilities and maximize your fishing success. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive guide to building the ultimate bass boat—like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more fishing tips and boat-building adventures!
Garmin LVS 62 https://bit.ly/3TRhTD8
Fish Guardian Livewell Treatment System https://bit.ly/4fmoGwa
Lowrance Ghost https://bit.ly/43t0PGD
My Precision Sonar Graph Mounts https://bit.ly/3CVPAty
Hydrilla Gear Anchor Light https://bit.ly/3Uw3FGN
Power Pole accessories https://bit.ly/401TEEm
Precision Sonar Lithiums https://bit.ly/4agzJGF
The Leash Outboard Motor Tether https://bit.ly/3JFD7hD
Power Pole One Pump https://bit.ly/41sQM2e
Mercury Outboards https://bit.ly/4aIUidQ
Ninja Grass Blade https://bit.ly/3nOiVCK
Fish Obsessed Zero Degree Mount https://bit.ly/4iWynV8
Awesome rig! Great job!
This is my dream setup, especially the batteries and organization in the back/redundancy. Well done and thanks for showing us how it’s done right!
When someone hits the lottery and doesnt tell anyone…but shows signs!!! LOL…awesome ride!!!!
I could smell the comments section before I even opened it
“you’re so rich bro” type stuff. Enjoy the boat buddy!
Love the color! I hope you have a great year. Enjoy your videos. Hope to see you at Lanier this year.
BRO! i know you have dropped a small fortune on the color red !
Fantasy boat for me. Mikey, I dig most of your stuff. Here, you say “I” spent seven days on the build but looks like others did the work. When you roll out next year’s brand new one I’d love to see you in there pulling wire, drilling holes and making rock solid electrical connections. Thanks and have a great 2025.
Can't mess with money. Your accessories cost more than most folks boat.
If you ever used MinnKota Raptors you'd never even consider powerpoles again. I've had both and actually had powerpoles for the longest time and then made the switch when I got a different boat and it was so much different in a good way I couldn't imagine going back
Now you know I am mad. Well, being an owner of a Ranger bass boat, I took my trailer in and had the bunks redone with pressure treated wood then put the carpet on them. I talked to 2 other Ranger owners and they can't even get White River Marine Group in Arkansas to call them back. I don't even think J.M. knows about this stuff. He is too nice of a guy to cheat any angler. Anyway, I happy now $300.00 later.
Additional comment. You spend all that money on electronics and thats okay but that boat sits on that trailer more than in the water. Make sure you can make it too the lake to fish by having a good trailer. This is where the rubber meets the road. Again I am talking about these cheap bunks that beautiful boat sits on. Just think about it and talk to your local Alabama dealer.
Wow, Big red. I thought you liked that blue. You had it for the last 2 boats. I don't know if you know this or not, but those trailers that are under your new boat and Ranger and Triton use Southern Yellow pine for wood in those bunks. This rots out in 2 years but Johnny Morris or his staff don't tell you these things. They quit using pressure treated wood as it is against Missouri Law. That has since been fixed but they still use this cheap lumber for bunks. Just think about it: A person spends $75,000.00 for a bass boat and then the builder puts such cheap bunks below it. When one is buying this rig, they don't look at the bunks material. Wow, that a shocker. Thought you would like to know.
Mike. Mikey B. We met on Money Bass blog. Some time ago. I wanted to know were you selling your older power poles? if so please let me no. This is B. I Fishing. I'm Trying to put my boat together. Well it's a '05 Ranger 519 VX. I'm needing a jack plate and some power poles.So if I can grab me some used items that would be perfect. Good video all the time Mr. Mikeybalzz AKA Mr.balling out
Good stuff bro. Love this stuff and cannot wait to get a boat like this. It will be great to see your first fish in this boat.
MB, I am curious why you went w the 62 vs 34 for perspective? Have you heard that the AT2 and the LS34 will interfere with each other? I checked with a marine outfitter who sells both, and they said AT2 and LS34 should be good since they are not both in FFS mode. I have heard other people online say that the 34 has more clarity than the 62. Just curious on how you landed as I am considering getting Garmin for FFS and using my AT2 in permanent scout mode for exactly the reason you mentioned on real time "360". Thx! Beauty of a rig.
What a color just beutiful

. Awsome mercury finally allows a lith for a cranking battery
Awesome set up man. Came along way since the aluminum rig on okeechobee. Good for you, well deserved.
I must have missed the area of the boat where Bog will be riding/sleeping. I know it’s there somewhere, I am not worried. Congrats on the new boat. If you do head up North, stop over here in KY…and don’t forget to bring Bog.

I’m thinking of getting a nitro , how’s the ride ?
Mikey I need a day job that allows for this much fishing
Pimp that ride up here to VA and we will fill that rig with the BIGS