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I Regret Fishing For BASS When the BLUEGILL Are Biting (Realistic)

Do you ever regret fishing for bass when the bluegill are biting? Today on Realistic Fishing, I begin by fishing for bass, or whatever might bight a 2 inch jerkbait. After not catching anything, I switch to one of my favorite lures, the 1 inch gulp minnow. I catch some jumbo bluegill out beyond the submerged trees. The fish are out a bit deep than I expected. After catching a bunch of big bluegill I decide to try the bass fishing again with a NED Rig. After 25 minutes, I don’t even get a bite. Sometimes I regret fishing for bass when I know I can catch more bluegill. #realistic #fishing

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  1. Went fishing with my dad today and caught a 7 inch bluegill on a 1/2 ounce megabass vision 110. The first thought I had was I wonder what Alex of Realistic Fishing would say? 🎉

  2. That’s all that was biting several weeks ago. Even that went away. Even the catfish are sleeping. Was 36F this morning. Cool that you mention the temperature of the fish. Nice gills.

  3. The Tao of fishing – go with what's given. If that's jumbo bluegill, then that's A-OK. People have said that you shouldn't leave fish to find fish. There's wisdom in that. Stay with the hot bite.

  4. Sup Alex, when bass ect aren't biting, bluegill and panfish make the day, hate when people put it down, everyone started fishing catching them🤷, that's realistic, tyvm tc 🎣

  5. This was exactly how I started my morning. Went out, meant to spend half the time bass fishing and the other half fishing with a tenkara rod for smaller fish. I got caught in the chase and accidentally spent pretty much the whole time just not catching bass. Super disappointed lol I switched to tenkara at the very end and redeemed myself a bit with one gorgeous bluegill with the prettiest color on its belly. Still, I should’ve switched out earlier instead of chasing bass that didn’t seem to be there in the first place.

  6. Bluegill may be an under rated fish but they sure are fun to catch. And very tasty too. Every so often I'll keep a few for a shore lunch. They don't come any fresher. Thanks for the video Alex.

  7. Nah I fish for everything. I carry 3 rods. One for pan fish one for bass and one for catfish. It does get kinda annoying at times but im determined to catch at least one fish.

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