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I HATE Seeing this at a TOURNAMENT 🤬

In this video, we dive into the shocking reality of fish mortality at the Big Bass Splash tournament on Lake Guntersville and the possibility of tournament cheating because of it. Witnessing the unfortunate loss of fish during such events is disheartening, but as anglers and tournament organizers, there are proactive steps we can take to protect the fish and the lakes while still enjoying competitive fishing. Join us as we explore effective tournament strategies aimed at ensuring the well-being of the fish and preserving the beauty of our lakes. Let’s work together to make a positive impact on the environment and the future of fishing tournaments.

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  1. Weigh and release…either ask for volunteeers or pay some retired folk to marshal each boat.Anything over 5lbs marshall takes a ten second video .Similar to mlf but fish for five.Take a quick pick and put em' back. It's just a competition.Way to speak out. it's obvious your a true angler thru the love and passion you have for the sport and for the bass themselves

  2. There is a lot wrong! Did you see the Zaldain’s podcast with Gene Gilliland? If the tournaments are not managed and directed properly, the fish kills will continue. After a 600 fish, fish kill, it should be shut down! If it can’t be stopped, then the tournaments need to stop! The organizations need to be held responsible.

  3. I have honestly thought about this for a while when I see guys hauling fish around in 10 cups of water in a bag. I always wish I could be a pro and start taking extremely good care of the fish. I am no genius but you can't just take a ton a photos with fans with haul fish around in shallow water where they can't swim.

  4. Tournament fishing is all for money if not for glory take your pick money or glory? It's both tournament fishing is over saturated they pretend to care by being the very hiprocates that they are.

  5. What about one time Long. Long ago people used too keep all the fish. Take them home. Remember 🤔. Early days of tournaments. They kept all the fish. Ask the old timers. Is the mortality any where near close to back then. Even tho some of those fish are going to. Die. 🤔🤔.

  6. check out that zaldain interview with the biologist about live well tournaments if for some reason you haven’t yet it was very eye opening and unfortunately pertinent to this situation

    i think the general public needs to be more outraged and raise more hell about this once the tournaments leave and the fish are belly up like i really want the public to totally karen this type of thing until stuff starts to change

  7. One of the clubs I fish stops from June to October because of the heat . The other ones go to a 6hr tournament schedule. For starters clubs could do an every other tournament kayak style picture and weigh in style .

  8. When the water reaches 75° or higher, the fish die off is usually more than 50%! and lets be honest most people don’t add ice or cold packs to their live wells! so either stop tournament fishing,when the water gets hot or practice CPR. Do the length board game or don’t fish tournaments during the summer months! It kills the bass and kills the sport! Tournament Directors should stand up for the fish and the sport. Someone asked to!

  9. Back in the day I used to offer a free seminar to bass clubs and tournament organizations that covered all the details on how to keep bass alive. Nobody ever took me up on it.

  10. Yeah that’s bad. I can say I’ve fished Potomac for a while and that gets pounded w tournaments however in all my years I’ve been fishing I’ve never seen numbers of dead fish like that around after these tournaments. I feel most organizations up here or that see this river do very well w fish management. I would be in favor of the No tournaments in July August and September esp in hotter parts of the country or the weigh record release format. Everyone I’ve fished just about has the G juice or the powder and I’ve as well. I had one tournament a while back where it was July tournament and no ice used or additive and the guys pumps bust I lost 3 of my fish that day he maybe lost one too. I was livid. I learned my lesson and always bring my own additive w me or offer pick ice as well.

  11. Fish care seems to have gone out the window along with angler courtesy. Here recently, Guntersville has ruined tournament fishing for me. Sometimes, I won’t even be on fish. I pull up to a stretch, I got about 15 min before I’m sharing with at least two other boats.

  12. Fishlung 100%. The technology is UNMATCHED. No more Ice, no more g juice or additives, no more fish management.. it is on a timed system you turn it on and turn it off after weigh in. Standard livewell pumps produce 4-6ppm of oxygen and fishlung consistently produces 14-16ppm.. keep in mind brain damage in bass can begin at 4ppm. Standard livewells are not producing enough oxygen for our fish especially when they are stressed and absorbing more oxygen than normal

  13. I add “please release me” or “G juice” to bottled water then freeze it. Every hour I untwist the cap and put it in the livewell so it distributes while it melts or use a Gatorade bottle for faster distribution because of the wider mouth.

  14. Unbelievable, this is straight up Wanton Waste. I fish a ton of tournaments if you do not know how to fizz a bass you need to learn.. it is extremely irresponsible to be a fisherman and not know how to fizz a bass and release it properly.

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