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I got FIRED πŸ”₯ for telling the truth!!!

In this video I give an update about my last video. All the feedback I’ve received. Good, bad, and ugly. I also lay out my plans going forward!


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Well, gained a subscriber here for sure. Nothing but appreciation and respect for the transparency. Hope companies start reaching out that can help make this a lifelong career for you man.

  2. Jacob you're truly a good fellow!! I fished with you a few weeks ago at the soldiers tournament. Do not be discouraged by the fishing industry. We're proud of you man. Thank you for standing with us troops!! πŸͺ–πŸͺ–

  3. I can tell you where being open and honest, and speaking your mind will get you. The unemployment line.
    It’s their game, their rules. Play the game or find something else to do. Every person working for a corporation in America deals with this. It’s reality.

    This is what spawns entrepreneurship and alternatives though. Someone doing something to change the game. Problem is Fishing is too small an industry to buck the system. Good luck trying to make a living at it man, I do wish you luck.

  4. Everything that you are uncomfortable is what you need to shine in.

    You are monotone and that has to change drastically.

    Your ideal of letting your fishing do the talking was dead in the 90’s

    You have a ton to go, your fishing is set for what I can tell but you need serious camera time. Cause this video is a perfect example on how not to get sponsors.

  5. You probably also got fired for.complaining that others have it too easy instaed of developing your own skills. Why DONT you add value to sponsors??? Why arent yiu catching more fish? Its your fishing and personal decisions that put you thwre.. what can YOU change to change that?

  6. Everybody call ark and pro choice and tell them what a POS they are. I’ll make sure to never use their products again. It just shows that he’s telling the truth.

  7. In the old days, didn't most of the Bassmaster fishermen have daytime jobs? And … you know what they say. "If it was easy, everyone would do it." It's tough but life is tough sometimes. I think the pros in any sport seperate the men from the boys. It's a shame everyone who fishes the Bassmaster Elite Tour can't continue to do it forever but then there would be 1000+ guys on the tour every year. Good luck to you and the harder you work, the luckier you get!

  8. The Woke & Left do not want to hear the Truth,
    They just want you too – They Demand you Tow their Narrative Line, Dammed be the Truth & Facts.
    Standing Tall these day's is still the right thing to do.
    Bow Your head and ask the Almighty for help. He saw you stand your ground with truth.
    He will provide you a way to provide and prosper.

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