I went to the clearest canal I knew of where water flowed through a dark tunnel to place our fish trap and go searching for any living thing we could find. Lifting pounds of weeds to reveal hidden creatures hiding in the brush! This spot has some crazy fish, and today our trap caught some
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i think it would be nice if you could add a boer goat, theyre very nice
There great pets
Like my comment if pall needs blue crary fish
Get a shark for the salt water pond
How are you? Not scared to put your hands in that water or walk around in the water and it will be so cool to see you catch something and grow it up
0:21 it's 7th January 2024
But by mistake the editor wrote 2023 he is living in the past
Paul is just amazing, i luv ur video
Wwhhaatt drops see typo hurt that too ssaayy
The one minnow with blue and red tail is a bluefin killie aka Florida blue dace
Dad that's my last name
get sheepe plz!
i suggest you to put stornger fence around you proterty
i think
its a misquito fish
paul goes and searches through weed and finds molly…anything wrong. lets get paul some help. LOL
Thank You, as Always Paul, for sharing. Great video and very interesting. Much Love.
I agree
You should get Deermeatfordinner and Bluegabe to use your traps! Make a video with them
Did you accidentally write January 2023 at the start?
paused the video to tell you YES to the camera view of the saltwater tank……. also maybe with some commentary, make it interesting
but that would be legit for a change of pace for people who like that idea 
Go pound!!! #Pond
8:32 That’s a least kili fish. They are the smallest live bearers. 10:26 That is a male blue finned kili fish. Both species make great aquarium fish, too!
Wait, wasn't re-releasing Plecos against the law in Florida?
How's your eel doing
Love the kitties names!!


Honestly not sure why I love fish trap videos but u should def do more of them!

Paul: “I should make a live stream on the salt pond” Me: yes yes you should I think that would be great I think you should do it on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s if you do it I already know I will be watching all day.