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I Found a Sewer FILLED With PIRANHAS!

In today’s video, I find a pond FILLED with pacu (cousins of piranha) I decided to place a fish trap in a SEWER to try and catch the babies and we also attempted to catch the big adults on hook and line! We ended up hooking a GIANT adult pacu and caught TONS of babies in the sewer fish trap which we brought back to put in my backyard pond as my new pets!




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  1. I admire your enthusiasm but I think that you shouldn't mislead people by saying that you are catching piranhas. It is potentially harmful to the hobby if people who don't know better, think that there actually are piranhas in Florida waters when that is NOT the case and it is obvious that you know that they are pacus. Hobbyists get blamed for releasing all kinds of feral animals when they actually don't, as was the case with the Burmese pythons that escaped from a wholesaler during a hurricane decades ago. There are politicians trying to make a name for themselves and you are risking having state and federal government making all ornamental fish illegal to keep. In 2022, the reptile hobbyists were very afraid that that was going to happen to them. Saying that you caught some pacus is perfectly okay, but don't say that they are piranhas…………………..

  2. Dude also you need to grow up you really do I mean what you’re doing is good catch a big fish hopefully these other fish that are basically aquarium fish that you’re catching. I hope you’re selling them or sending them to pet stores and if they’re a nuisance fish hopefully you’re trying to clean up that area that you’re fishing at.

  3. The reason why he broke his line is for one. He has too much tension on by keeping the rod back to he keeps changing the drag of the real, so no wonder it snapped.

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