In today’s video I find an abandoned fish trap FULL OF FISH while fishing! The fish trap was full of cichlids, tilapia, and bluegill. I ended up using the baitfish to catch largemouth Bass in a local golf course pond!
Should I go back and keep the fish trap?
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Should I go back and keep the fish trap?

Yea sure… Still bread in there.. and not even eaten.. or disintegrate in that water 4 so long time??? .C'mon
It was good that you decided to leave the trap there in case it did belong to someone. In the state of Georgia, it’s illegal to steal someone else’s fish/crab/lobster/crawfish traps/pots. It’s also illegal to remove the contents of the trap/pot. The traps/pots must also have tags on them with the owner’s name, address, and phone number so they can be contacted if the traps/pots are found. If you’re caught taking someone else’s traps/pots and/or removing the contents of the traps/pots, you could face hefty fines or even jail time. Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding the use of fish/crawfish traps and crab/lobster pots and the removal of the contents. If you find any traps or pots that are not yours, leave them where you found them and do not remove the contents.
This was they begin of everything
love you content bro, i'm from México, send you a Big hug 2024
You shout keep it
Hey Bobby BUTTERS kidding love checking out yr old vidios u know that you can't steal the trap it's not cool you would be pissed if it was yr trap n it got stolen yr not a bad kid take care bro
Next time one of your traps goes missing, remember back to this day, because it was probably some teen thinking it was a cool abandoned treasure. Lol
bring the fish trap back
Keep it
Um something doesn't seem right abandoned how many fish have starved becayse of this?!
Steal it
Shady to hijack someone’s trap….
I like when you do more of the rod fishing
not abondened my guy just somebody cathcing bait you are supposed to leave your traps in for about 24 to 48 hours for the best results
No name and number on the trap its fair game!
In my opinion, if you're going to leave a fish trap, put a plastic tag with your name on it and phone number. That way if it is found somebody can contact you. Otherwise it's a free fish trap
Leave it alone, it is someone else's
dude you just stole someone else fish trap, imagine you've been waiting for 1 or 3 hrs to catch a fish using your fish trap and somebody else taking it/stole it.. its not abandoned the trap design to put to a location where you want to catch a fish and leave it there for minutes/hours.
Bobby that's your trap
It could be someone else’s fish trap
fake as hell or you’re just an actual thief
And the person who put the trap: who the ** stole my trap!!!
yeah even if its neglected then you still stole owner fish and thinking about stealing a trap also , with no dead fish in trap then it hasnt be there long as owner might have put it there and gonna return later to pick it up.
Ur a beginner fisherman I can tell
yes you shuld ceap it
It still had bait in the trap you thieving shit
you steal from others
"Don't Wana get close" you're already swimming
With the bread in it and not too much silt on it, it probably wasn’t there too long. I would have left it alone.
keep it
If this for real i hope u go to jail bc that's horrible even if u dont take the trap but you take the fish some people cant afford food
keep the fish trap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know this is fake
Dude, what the trap got there by itself, leave the trap alone and fish
to….That was my trap.
Stealing someones fish trap or their bait fish in it is a good way to get your ass kicked. Ill give you a little life advice, if its not yours dont touch it. No one likes a theif, period.
Never assume a fish trap is abandoned. Just come back a check it a few times, and that will give you an answer.
Got 6 1/2 minutes into video, wanted to support you by continuing to watch, but did lose a lot of respect for you when you took someone else’s fish. That person obviously put the trap there to catch bait or dinner. Not cool! I would be livid if someone did that to me. That trap is only $10 on eBay or higher, just buy your own…
if you were here in philippines in mindanao and caught you stealing others fish trap then you will be killed and no one knows, and no justice
Leave the trap where it one….