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I Found a Hidden Tunnel FILLED with RARE FISH!

In today’s video, I explore a tiny creek I found recently that is FILLED with rare aquarium fish! Last time I came here I caught a massive dojo loach, African cichlids, and Texas cichlids! But this time we came at night and encountered snakes, turtles, and TONS of spiders, we then explored the hidden tunnel and we found 6 BLUE CRAWFISH and kept them as pets!! 15k likes and we will walk down the entire tunnel!

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  1. Um why post urselfs breaking the law, once you lay hands on a invasive species it's illegal to then re-release it. Hope no fish and wildlife watch this and do to u what they have to some of the others posting these videos like this.

    I’ve been told 2 different answers.
    Anyone who can answer this, please?
    I’ve been told that Flacos will grow to fit their environment such as a flaco in aquarium compared to Flacos in the wild in a pond? 7:49
    I got a baby small flaco about a inch long close to 2 years ago. He’s now about 7in long BUT still growing? WHO can tell me if what I’ve been told is true.
    I have him in my 10gallon tank but he’s still growing 😮 HELP 🙏


  4. Witam cię jak tam ryby oglądnę twój kanał a w ogóle raportu nie przychodzi twoich filmów co z tobą się dzieje chorujesz czy jesteś zdrowy czy żyjesz w ogóle cię nie słychać Ani filmu nie wyświetla się twojego miłośnie kolegi Adrian Elite Bierutów jaki dzisiaj ryby znalazłeś może coś dzisiaj było w sobotę w koszu z rybami w śmietnikach abyś ratował te piękne ryby na ciebie to jest przyjemność i życie daje z tym rybom a ludzie to są puści że wyrzucają takie piękne okazje ryb kolorowe

  5. I guess you've looked it up, the Everglades crawfish, was selectively bred to get the cobalt blue color. Then it seems released nearby. They love dark long tunnels to wait out the day, since they're cute blue little vampire's 🦇.

  6. The snake looked like it could be one of the species of watersnake. More likely the brown or midland watersnake. It however could also be a cottonmouth, which are poisonous so be careful. Im not from florida so im not too familiar with these but it hard for me to tell not having a full body shot.

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