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I Found a Abandoned Pool FILLED with AQUARIUM FISH!

In today’s video, I find an abandoned pool FILLED with aquarium fish! This pool was once owned by a fish keeper that recently passed away which left all his fish to fend for themselves! So we attempted to catch out all the fish left in the pool, but the pond turned super green after being abandoned which made it hard to see the fish! We noticed TONS of colorful fish swimming around so we used nets and fish traps to try and catch out all the fish we could! We ended up catching monster Midas cichlids, goldfish, mollies, African cichlids, AND MORE! We took back all the fish we saved to put in my backyard ponds… However we couldn’t catch out every fish so we will have to return for a part 2… Who knows what else is in there!




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  1. Noway you are that intelligent to quarantine a pool of retty much wild fish, dead mamel bones were found in that pool. so by not quarantining these fish makes me think there's something fishy about this video🤔

  2. There are long handles fine mesh aquarium nets that would be better for catching the mollies. They are designed for large fish in tanks but they use the same fine mesh. You could improvise an extender for the handle to reach the deeper water. They are big enough to catch one of those molly schools in one swipe.

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