In today’s video, I find an abandoned pool FILLED with aquarium fish! This pool was once owned by a fish keeper that recently passed away which left all his fish to fend for themselves! So we attempted to catch out all the fish left in the pool, but the pond turned super green after being abandoned which made it hard to see the fish! We noticed TONS of colorful fish swimming around so we used nets and fish traps to try and catch out all the fish we could! We ended up catching monster Midas cichlids, goldfish, mollies, African cichlids, AND MORE! We took back all the fish we saved to put in my backyard ponds… However we couldn’t catch out every fish so we will have to return for a part 2… Who knows what else is in there!
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Can’t wait to see what we pull out of here next! If you guys want to help fund new nets you can send a superthanks! Appreciate it
Please can you put the fish is the bucket faster! I’m literally holding my breath when it’s out the water for more than 4 secs
Why not just pump out some water ?
being more quiet helps with jobs like this
5:50 looks like the screen netting for the patio, it's the thing that goes around that metal frame around the pool to keep mosquitos, bugs, and leaves out
Why not just drain the pool?
Was there a part 2? Can't find it
Noway you are that intelligent to quarantine a pool of retty much wild fish, dead mamel bones were found in that pool. so by not quarantining these fish makes me think there's something fishy about this video
Cant find part 2?
bless your mother. She's not far off from losing that pool lol
So when are you going back dude?
If that pond is very deep how can your fish trap reach the bottom?

Ah! I can't find part 2! I must see it!
where is the part 2
What kind of filtration do you use to keep koi alive ?? We have a pond and are not sure what to purchase ??
Maybe if you did list talking and more catching fish
How come you have came back to to this spot for part 2 yet?
I love when he brings sideshow Rob along.
Pretty sure the stuff you’re pulling out is the screen that used to be on the frame over it.
Kinda cool video, but dude don’t turn your moms pool into a pond.
Have you ever considered pumping most of the water out of the pool which will contain the fish in a smaller area and ensure that you get them all?
We need a part 2. Come on
There are long handles fine mesh aquarium nets that would be better for catching the mollies. They are designed for large fish in tanks but they use the same fine mesh. You could improvise an extender for the handle to reach the deeper water. They are big enough to catch one of those molly schools in one swipe.
Still waiting for pt two!.
You obviously don t know how to treat fish. Drain some water out so it’s not so scary for the fish
I'm surprised you don't have to quarantine them before adding to your own ponds.
Honestly what needs to be done is to gradually lower the water level as you catch them out so that they have less space to hide in.
Bobby, I have to agree with ur mom on this one
How do the cichlids do in with koi and goldfish?
Invest in a battery powered transfer pump
You need to get a small paddling pool to put the rescued fish in when you rescue them the bucket is way to small
Quite sad how many fish people keep together. And all in the same conditions. Each species needs specific conditions right 0.o
I know it ain’t in New Jersey but there is a creek behind my house that has some paddlefish and huge orange fish
Red tail carp