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I Could Have Been Arrested For Doing THIS…

Randy talks about how progress is showing things outdoor people love…#angler #bassfishing #bass #fishing #fish #fishinglife #progress #environment

Blaukat solar bat sunglasses…

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  1. All you cared about when you were advancing this technology and benefiting from it, was winning and making money for yourself and your sponsors. You paved the way for what is happening now. I mean it doesn't look like youre living very small… looks like you have a pretty large "developed " property yourself. Just remember your house may once have been someones pristine hunting ground… i dont mind you sharing your opinion at all. It's your hypocrisy and ignorance to your own participation in what you say you hate that truly bothers me! You'll condemn the next generation when all they are doing is picking up where you left off. Your generation were the leaders… and you've led things to exactly where they are now. Take responsibility for your own actions instead of just condemning others from some high horse you have no right to be on.

  2. I agree 100 % Randy. I see it here in Alabama. Many places we used to catch many large bass are now so messed up that they are no longer fun to visit because of how long it takes to catch a fish or 2, and those fish are sad, malnourished and barely hanging on. One river near me was just amazing 25 years ago. Catching 50 or 12'' was not rare. Now catching 3 or 4 is real tuff and on some days impossible. Logging and natural gas drilling did most of the damage, with some help from developers. In this case, it would still be ok if it was only the developers, its the industrial greed that has done the most to kill this river.

  3. Next to the house where I grew up, there was an 85 acre timer area that was loaded with giant hardwoods. The land was owned by the Boy Scouts, who used the area to take their Scouts on camping trips. Then one day, the Boy Scouts decided to sell the land since they rarely used it. A local police officer purchased the land, and immediately contracted a logging company who cut down all the big hardwood trees. They totally destroyed the beautiful timber, leaving giant piles of brush and limbs which they couldn't sell to the lumber mills. They made giant ruts all through the land with their heavy equipment, and made it nearly impossible to even walk through. Not long after the timber was ruined, the cop sold off the land to someone else who decided to build houses. Makes me sick just thinking about it… progress in that form is just wrong.

  4. The lack of education that exist in this video says a lot. This right here is why the problems you are so hung up on exist or get worse. Cause I would almost bet you are FOR some if not all the things that are being promoted to stop the lie that is Climate Change so long as it doesn't effect you and your region/area. Money talks and bull shit walks. If you want to stop the negative progress then you need to run for local governments and come up with solutions that allows community growth while stopping destruction of your local environment. You have to come up with revenue streams that allow for up keep and maintenance of your local road ways and info structure. The actions you describe taking as a child as a little enviro activist is part of the problem. Your actions were literally self defeating. Progress is like electricity. It uses the path of least resistance. Perhaps if you invited like minded people into your area and community and worked together to buy up the land and in act legislation and plans. You could of made it to expensive or inconvenient for them to try and develop in the area and left no land for them to develop on. This is the result of voting on government officials based on popularity versus merit and actual work done. All development and progress of local areas is either approved or denied through your local governments and you can bet dollar to donuts more often then not. Weak willed leadership is going to side with there own self interest more often than not. But what are you doing. You here on YouTube bitching and moaning that things aren't going your way. I can guarantee that not even 1/3 of your followers live in your area. They can complain and moan till there blue in the face. They don't pay your governments salaries and aren't apart of the voting block that effects them being elected or not.

  5. 84.6million acres are national parks. That’s 3.4% of America. Federally managed (owned) lands are at 640 million acres. That’s 28% of America. What other country does more to protect its land.

  6. "progress" people are checker brains. they are incapable of seeing the results of their actions. some are evil, most are just incredibly unintelligent and its impossible to explain to them why they are wrong.

  7. The exact same thing happened to me at about the same age. I had some woods behind my house that were being "timbered" so I went out there and pulled up all their survey stakes and flags!

  8. I totally agree with all your analysis of development around lakes. I'm from north central Iowa, 15 miles south of Minnesota border. In the 60's when i started pheasant hunted i saw pheasants every where, not now. Since 1960 iowa has maybe 1% of its original wetlands, yes less than 1%. Thats just wetlands. Fencelines gone, groves are mowed, RR tracks ripped out, ditches baled, ditches burned abandoned farms burned and buried. Iowa conservation is a disgrace and embaressment. They let the Iowa landscape get raped. I feel your PAIN Randy.

  9. The only thing fisherman should have, is a depth finder . So they don’t crash the boat . Other than that they are all fake fisherman period . I’ve caught fish 32 years without any of that crap and barely get skunked.

  10. Randy Blaukat Drinking Game Rules (Tim's New Years Eve Party): These are the rules everyone…See you there!

    1. No watching any Randy videos on new years eve until the party. New videos will be the basis for the game. Tim has picked 2 hilariously stupid videos from the past that we will add to that.

    2. Everyone gets to choose 5 personal trigger words or phrases. We draw straws to see picking order, and we circle the group until everyone has chosen 5 personal triggers. When Randy uses your trigger word or phrase, the trigger owner can choose who drinks. So, make sure you pick things he says all the time. Tim is the judge on close calls. **LIVESCOPE OR FFS CANNOT BE USED AS TRIGGERS** I'M NOT SPENDING NEW YEARS EVE AT THE ER WHILE SOMEONE GETS THERE STOMACH PUMPED OUT!!!

    3. There are 5 trigger words/phrases that require everyone to drink when Randy uses them. These cannot be your personal trigger choice as they are reserved for group drink:

    i) weenie worm – all women drink to this

    ii) hammer – all guys drink to this

    iii) Any references to characters in Randy's past or present

    iv) Housekeeping

    v) Megabass

    4. We've chosen 5 trigger ACTIONS that result in everyone chugging (remainder of whole drink). If anyone calls out Randy doing it, we team vote to see if we all agree. Tim is the tie-breaker vote:

    i) Randy starts whining about something (1 chug for each whiney topic)

    ii) Randy cries or looks like he's about to. Or, if any player starts crying!!!

    iii) The video is negative (team vote at end of video…or earlier if it's obvious)

    iv) Randy reflects on the distant past

    v) Any mention of a hellbender or other antique lure

    vi) Randy breaks out scissors, nail polish, dye or any lure modification. Double chug if the modification is stupid by team vote (e.g. 1-claw crawfish, 5-jerkbait A-rig, cutting a fat impact to make and EZ-shiner, etc.).

    vii) The video is a rehash of something he's said a million times before and is being churned for clicks.

    viii) Randy goes political

    ix) Randy exaggerates the truth

    x) The content includes nothing that will make you a better fisherperson (team vote at end)

    5. Family Fued. After the drinking game we play Family Fued for the grand prize. 2 teams will be chosen, couples must be on same team. We've pre-picked 10 triggers that we believe are the most popular things Randy says. We will do a family fued style guessing game on these top 10. Some of these top 10 may be the same things that you used for your personal trigger words. The grand prize fishing rods go to the winning team (these are not Snoopy poles!!! and were picked by Tim, Evan and Cliff). If you don't like the rod, Cliff probably picked it.

    Good luck! See you at the party to welcome in 2024!

  11. Same thing happened to me, north east corner of Lake Tarpon in Fl. We had a small oasis all to our selves. It was a small horse farm right on lake Tarpon and it had several small farm ponds on the property. Learned to ride horses, fish, chew tobacco, kiss a girl, and just hang out on summer nights enjoying nature. I got arrested for vandalizing heavy equipment that was developing the property in to a neighborhood called chateaux de lacs. Fuck that!!! We definitely should have listened to that guy.


  13. Made good points until 4:30 and then it went all downhill. Also, i dont have ffs and dont care if someone does or doesn't. Just please stop already randy! You have a great channel without it and the more you post about it, the dumber you look.

  14. AFTER 2 YOUTUBES. NOW WE ARE BACK TO POLITICS FOR CLICKS. BEN DEBUNKED ALL OF YOUR HEARSAY AND FISHED 10 YEARS PRIOR TO FFS AND WON 20 TOURNAMENTS. It just shows what a liberal mind thinks. Not following the law then is an indication of mental issues that have festered until the next cause comes along. You fish and make a living for 50 years on lakes that destroyed pristine natural habitat that "belonged to some other 10 year old boy" .

  15. We both were raised the same. , had these pure creeks ,streams and ponds full of every kind of fish and creature ,and the freedom to enjoy it . I stopped up pipes with everything I could find to stop a factory from polluting a creek . I would tell more but like you it was a failure. All these places I loved as a kid were totally destroyed.

  16. You do have to be very careful on where you place yourself in this argument. My first Chief Master Sergeant in the USAF grew up down on the White River where Table Rock is today. He was just as upset as you were Randy when you were a child with “your area”when they built the dam and destroyed his childhood home, hunting and fishing grounds. “Progress” can be relative and definitely subjectively defined.

    That being said, the little
    Maw and paw cabins which were built when the lake was built and where I have stayed in for the past 54 years are being targeted by a big developer. My friends who own it have been offered 4-5 x what they paid for it. The developer said he would bulldoze the entire complex- trees and all to build condos and a community dock. My friends haven’t sold because they are just as saddened by the “progress” – but you know as well as I they everyone has their price.

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