Today me and some of my good friends from South Carolina are fishing on Lake Ida. We are using live shad that we caught with the castnet early that morning. Everything in this lake loves the shad. We are targeting Peacock Bass, but much to my surprise a Giant snakehead grabbed my bait! Its the Biggest Snakehead I’ve ever caught. It was pretty exciting! We did catch several Peacock bass, some largemouth bass, but the snakehead was my favorite fish of the day!
00:00 Introduction to TakeMeFishingGary
00:40It Raining ! We are soaked, cameras are soaked.
01:04 Double On! Me and Dewayne!
03:50 Snakehead in the Net!
04:39 Snakehead Teeth View
04:45 Dewayne has a FISH ON!
06:38 Gar in the Net
07:20 Dewayne on his first Clown Knife Fish!
Hello sir garry merry christmas and happy new year