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I Bought a PREHISTORIC Pond Monster!

In today’s video, I buy a MONSTER prehistoric fish for my backyard pond! I got a call from my friend Zak who said he has 2 rare fish for me to buy! I’ve always wanted these fish so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get them! But to prepare we had to feed all my rare fish and monster fish so that when I add these fish into the pond, they won’t get eaten! We fed my vampire fish, goonch catfish, Matt matter turtle, abba abba knife fish, and my POND MONSTERS! We then headed to the fish store and checked out all the cool new stuff they had! They had tons of koi, iridescent sharks, catfish, rare turtles, and even an ALIEN FROG which we decided to buy! We then showed off our new prehistoric pets we were buying, which was 2 Russian sturgeon! We netted them out and also bought a rare firewood catfish and headed home to get these fish into their new homes! We ended up spending over a THOUSAND dollars on these fish, so we acclimated them and added them into the ponds in fish tanks! However, a few days later I discovered my monster redtail catfish trying to eat them! So I jumped into the pond and caught them out and put them into the front pond where they can get massive! Comment what fish, turtle, and even frog we should buy next!



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  1. You can get them koi fish a lot cheaper from Koi enterprise in California and they are from some of the best breeders in Japan I knew the catfish were going to try and eat them and they were going either jump out or stress out and die

  2. Honest question. Aren't the plecko fish considered invasive in Florida waters? I thought they were, so I was wondering why you were letting them go. Then I had to remind myself that you save fish, not eliminate them, regardless if they are invasive or not.

  3. My daughter and I watch your videos almost daily she has learned so much from you! ❤ thanks for being a YouTuber that doesn’t drive this mama nuts lol her name is Lyla if you ever wanna do a shoutout lol 😂

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