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How to RIG a FLUKE for Bass! FLUKE UnderWater! FLUKE Tips! ZOOM Fluke. Clear Water Bass Fishing Bait

How to RIG a FLUKE for Bass! FLUKE UnderWater! FLUKE Tips! ZOOM Fluke. Clear Water Bass Fishing Bait
I have always loved the Fluke wether I was fishing were I grew up in Arkansas or fishing in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, or even Canada. This bait will straight up catch some fish. It is so similar to a jerkbait but with more of a subtle finesse and erratic behavior of a dying bait fish. This lure looks like just about every baitfish in the US, Mexico, and Canada and attracts fish for an easy meal. The way this lure works or the way you can figure out to work it is all up to you and is dependent on how the bass are eating the lure. You can work it fast or give it a slower approach to give the fish a better opportunity to feed. Let me know if you all have fished with this awesome lure.

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  1. Hello from England…..I have some of those fluke type lures 5inches in length,what size hook do you reccomend for them please ???
    Enjoying how you folks over the pond fish and all the rigs,tips and tactics etc….👍👍👍

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