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How to make your BASS Boat FASTER?

Join me in a conversation with Rich from Hydrilla Gear as we dive into the world of speed and performance for bass boats. In this video, I seek advice on how to make my Nitro Z20 bass boat faster and optimize the performance of my Mercury 250 HP motor. Rich shares valuable insights, tests, and tweaks that can help enhance the speed and overall performance of your fishing rig. Get ready to take your bass boat to the next level with these expert tips!

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My Mercury Marine 250HP

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  1. The plastics I carry fill one of those back compartments of my nitro. I try to leave the other side empty for when I have people out with me. Just that difference in weight side to side totally changes the boat

  2. Great video as usual. I liked this video. What about a 4 blade prop? I know you lose top end speed, but is it hard on the motor? One of the top PROs runs a Nitro Z21xl. He runs a 4 blade prop. claiming that works best for him. What do you think?

  3. I've got a boat almost identical setup to yours. 70 MPH with all the junk you carry and a 23 fury is probably perfect for you. My boat ranges from 63 (only during a huge heat wave) / 67 with a tourney partner, their gear, full livewells and full fuel to around 72 solo, empty livewells, less than topped off fuel. When I winter fish and get a bunch of the my tackle out of the boat and run it in cold weather I'll get even a touch over 72.

    I do have a 4 blade as a spare prop, going to run it some in the summer when the heat is bad and the boat is loaded. It's an absolute rocket holeshot with the boat, but hit redline around 65ish. Might screw with it more as summer gets hotter, but honestly it's hard to beat the fury 23 for an all around prop. My boat came with a fury 24 and during break in I hit around 74, but once I loaded the boat out it couldn't get enough RPMs.

  4. My compartments are all up front. Suggesting to move tackle to the back isn't on real street. I just give up the speed game, load my boat and go fishing. I guess I'm old….

  5. my little 17 footer with a 90 hp does about 40mph with all my tackle and me. i fell that pretty good and i have been 70+ mph on guntersville in Phoexix.

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