How To

How to Fish the Texas Rig – The Most Versatile Rig in Bass Fishing

The Texas Rig is, without a doubt, the most versatile bass fishing rig there is. You can fish it with any soft plastic lure and any possible way and still catch bass.
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Tackle used in this video –
Hooks –
G-Finesse Flipping Hook –
Sinkers –
Strike King Tungsten –
Punch Stops –
Line – Seaguar AbrazX –
Kayak – Bonafide SS127
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  1. everything except the how to of rigging it..Ive just returned to fishing for the first time since i was a kid so all this terminology is a foreign language to me…i need to find a channel for beginners

  2. I have been seriously fishing for about 8 years now. The Texas rig was what I cut my teeth on. Unfortunately with all the new lures and techniques I've learned I got away from using it much at all. I know I need to start getting back to basics cause that's the only way to catch finicky fish sometimes. Great refresher video.

  3. Gene, thank you for your videos! They have helped me and my wife become better anglers. I’ve watched a lot of your video recently and they have helped me in many different ways. I just got my first bait-caster and I used your advise and got the origin c reel with the fate v3 rod and I love it. I have also learned to Texas rig and jig properly. I am now catching a lot more fish.
    Thanks again, buddy!

  4. I love how you teach. I’m a brand new Texas rigger and I’ve been bagging two pounders all week. I’m blown away with the strike king rage tails on a Texas rig. Thank you so much for showing me the way. You are the man !

  5. My Father was a nothing but a Texas rigged Mann's Purple jelly worm fisherman. I have the mounted bass to prove it. Some how I never got into The Texas rigged worm or creature bait fishing techniques. I have been turning to other ways of Bass fishing. So Yes. I am going to Texas rig worm and creature bait fish this season. No matter what. I am still looking for my P B over 5.5 pounds. I believe this is the way to go! Thank you FlukeMaster! You brought back great fishing memories for me. I am 61 years old and have been fish 56 years of them. Keep on keeping on. Shawn.

  6. I'm confused to how that hook is set.. I'll watch to see if you explain but the hook looks like its just nicked into the bottom of the worm? Do you pull the hook all the way threw the worm? Mayb you explain.

  7. I really enjoy all of your videos. I am getting back into fishing after about a ten year layoff. I have an Abu Garcia Black Max Combo with 12 pound fluorocarbon line. My question I have is do I need to use a leader with a texas rig and if so can I use a fluro leader?

  8. I’m a brand new fisherman & I absolutely love your videos – you are articulate and, most importantly, you speak so clearly and slowly!! I can actually follow your tutorial instructions and lessons!! Thank you so very much!!

  9. i just bought a ss107 new. I used it for one day standing up and fishing and noticed the platform already seems dented in is this normal? i just really hope they didnt sell me a demo kayak for msrp

  10. You are absolutely an incredible teacher! The best I've see thus far! Every video is so well presented, and your delivery is so articulate! Thank you Sir… For your service in the US Military! SALUTE! And Thank you again for your Service in helping me and others like me to learn the life-skill of fishing the incredible waters of our Beautiful Country! Looking forward to learning more from you and being able to share this great knowledge with my children and family!

  11. Man, you're like quick draw magraw with that net! Nice! Lookin back at my 4+ decades if catchin bass, I'd have to say bout 70+% of them came on a T Rig. My PB (in the mid teens) came on a "modified" T rig and my last few this year (Senko dinks. Lol) were in a T rig. YES. The Texas Rig is bass fishin 101 & after inline spinners (Rooster Tails, Mepps etc…) Every new bass fisherman needs to spend the next, oh, 30 years or so, mastering the Texas Rig!

  12. put your man pants on and set the hook lmao. that's what I'll tell my dad. my dad always laughs when I set the hook. he says I set it like I'm fishing the bassmaster elite.

  13. started fishing again after 15 yrs away bc my 8 yr old daughter wanted to start. Your videos have been a great source of information and inspiration to get us going. Thank you for the amazing content!

  14. Best bass fishing channel on youtube……..used to hate fishing the Texas rig because I didn't know how to fish it but after I learned how to fish its almost as fun as top water

  15. Live in PA some really pressured lakes but even the private pond I got permission to fish the Texas rig hasn’t been workin . I’m thinking of rigging wacky instead but I don’t want to deal with the weeds, that’s why I still keep trying the Texas rig .

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