A quick how to from Capt Vince at AllPro how he fishes his newly designed Gen4 Flutter Pros. These are the best priced spoons on the Market and the quality is 5 Star !! Use code KON20 for 20% off any order PLUS FREE SHIPPING !!
www.allpronational.com (click on the “tackle box” )
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What set up do you use to attach the spoon to the main line? Tactical AC? Snap?
Would this be used on a drift ? I assume not anchored up right ?
Always Great Content Kid! Thanks
Is this the Justin’s tackle spoon? You sell their products?
Agree!! This weather sucks. But always thank you for the tips and demonstrations especially with these flutter spoons. God Bless.
The weather has been a killer these last two weeks
Hey Mark,
Picked up a few of those when I attended his seminar a few weeks back, looking forward to trying them out thanks for the “How to video”
God Bless.
Yesterday I risk it and I go to The Race. 20 mph North East wind. Big waves was washing my boat deck. Anyway. I tried everything from life bait, jigs, trolling, spoons to buck tails. I got 20+ blue fish, 20+ black seabass (most of them not keepers) and 0 stripers. Everybody is talking about big fall run. I don't see it.
Can't the Kid pitch a rod from the beach once in a while?
Good info
I have a bunch I have been waiting to use but this weather has absolutely sucked! Headed to florida for the first week of october, then tog and striper action. Sportman came out with a sweet 232 CC.
Ck your email brother.

Hey Captain. I think I'll pick up a gold one and if I can't catch a fish with it I'll wear it as a necklace. Perfect.