Let’s dig into the details of how to fish the drop shot rig.
For everything Flukemaster visit my website – http://bit.ly/2K8IcR0
For more information on the Button on my hat go to – http://bit.ly/2Xa5zhn
Tackle Warehouse Affiliate Link – http://bit.ly/33Xrhbp
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Tackle used in this video –
Tackel Box – Plano Edge 3600 Terminal Box – https://bit.ly/3dfvK0J
Rod – Omen Black 6’8″ Med Light Spinning – https://bit.ly/3btc8CI
Fate Black 7’3″ Spinning – https://bit.ly/3eO05RP
Reel – 13 Fishing Creed X – https://bit.ly/35JPPba
Line – Seaguar Smackdown Flash Green 20lb – http://bit.ly/2Ikzpe2
Leader – Seaguar Gold Label – 8lb – https://bit.ly/2RNvka5
Hook – Gamakatsu Aaron Martins Dropshot – http://bit.ly/2IhXl1q
Gamakatsu G-Finesse Worm Lingt Hook with keeper – http://bit.ly/35dJeEy
Lure – 13 Fishing BFF – http://bit.ly/2YhKplJ
Strike King Half Shell – https://bit.ly/3heuqMP
Zoom Trick Worm – http://bit.ly/3a358w8
Boat – Alumacraft Pro 185 – http://bit.ly/2m8NjIb
Kayak – Bonafide SS127
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Gene, thanks to you, i not only had my best morning on the water, but i got my PB then beat that and got a 6.5lb with a drop shot.I live in Vancouver Washington, across the river from Portland, local lake isn't known for huge bass. I had all top water tied up the night before, then ran across this video. Decided to tie up a drop shot on my wife's rod. Never tried a drop shot, never see anyone use it at my lake. I fish the bank only, no boat and lucky if i land one in a day. Got there at before sunrise, threw a buzz, then a whopper plopper, a frog, then i tossed a swim jig, before i could close the bail my line was running. Pulled up a little 2 pounder. Then for about 30 minutes nothing was going on, lost my swim jig. Tossed a Texas rig, nibbles but no full bites. Then i decided to try the drop shot. I tied a straight shank with the worm lock to go weedless. Put a 4" yum dinger on with a 1/4 skinny weight. I COULD NOT KEEP THEM OFF MY HOOK. for about a full hour i was nailing them over and over. Then about 730am they quit committing and the temp was getting a little high almost 90. I was still getting bites but they were short striking. By far the best day fishing today, and i have you to thank for it! Might even call in to work tomorrow, use up some pto and hit the lake again
. It's supposed to be 115° tomorrow, so early morning should be good. If you ever come up my way I'd love to fish with you. Best YouTube fisherman by far.
thanks you
It's an adrenaline when a Bass slams into worm or creature bait hooked on a Dropshot Rig. Even a small bass will give you a jolt…lol
Man I love how you can literally talk us through all different scenarios. Great job bud. Thanks for doing what you do

drop shot magic…thanks for keeping it simple! I love the weedless rig! I fish a lake with a hydrilla highway and the bite is slow but there are some MONDOS so its worth the wait! Using this application should land a big one! I'll take the small ones too!
Good old George boy thanks!
Gamakatsu it's the boss! The sharpest hook I've known
Great tips thank you
Gene, thank you for teaching us the proper way to set up our rig and showing us the techniques to be better anglers… and by the way Roll Tide…
thanks dude! helped me alot.
Why not use all fluorocarbon line instead of just as a leader with braid.
Great vid. I've never fished a drop shot before but I'm going to try it now. That floppy dink at the end was hilarious lol. Tight lines
Love the videos! So much info! Thank you!
Braid to flouro is the stupidest thing in our industry. I get zero line twist with regular flouro only
Thanks so much for the great video!
Hey Gene! I've had the most success with the wacky rig, but at a cost. Every time I've caught a bass with it, the fish nearly swallows the hook and I have a hard time (feeling like a surgeon) trying to get that hook out, with about a 50% success rate, (yes, I've inadvertently killed a fish or 2). A buddy of mine says I'm not feeling it and setting the hook in good time, but the times I've got bites with the wacky, I feel like there wasn't response time allowed. Bait hits the water, bobber hits, sinks, pops back up and immediately sinks again. As if that fish had aimed face to the sky and mouth wide open, catching it like popcorn thrown by a date. From cast to full on bite, less than 3 seconds passes. Maybe I'm not setting hard enough to work that hook back out to the mouth opening, but I'm also not wanting to rip a fish's entire gullet, tongue and rest of the mouth all up, just setting the hook. I've gone back-n-forth between the wacky and the Texas. Not much success with the Texas, but definitely less harm to the fish, in my specific case anyway. Any thoughts?
I watch a lot of fishing videos and your has to be one of the very best instructional videos I have seen. You do a fantastic job of explaining how and why to employ the technique. Thank you very much
Thanks for explaining the "why".
Thanks for the info, I really gonna try using the dropshots at the beginning of this video, after not having any luck fishing the last few times.
Do you have a video on the knot connecting the braid to fluorocarbon?
I typically tie my braid to the hook, then use a length of 2lbs mono for the weight.
But I like the idea of the fluoro leader for a less visible line. I had never thought about the line buoyancy either. Makes sense to use a line that'll sink…
2:12… All it takes is the weights and the sinkers
Thanks for your video bro.
Thank you! Great video on fishing a drop shot rig. You really make things simple and easy to understand. Any tips on how to tie a fluorocarbon leader onto braided line?
So glad the Facebook group led me here
Great tutorial brother. Most people advertise how to and then end up showing you nothing but them fishing.
Red label is everbit as good of a leader than gold!
Thank you
Came to learn about a drop shot, but my biggest takeaway was I'm an idiot for trying to shove a loop through the hook eye all these years
Love your videos Always the Best Resource
What do you mean by 15 foot leader? Is that the seagar? And what line do you use before the leader
Thanks a lot
Why use a leader and not just run all Fluorocarbon serious question bc I’m spooled up fluoro all the way
How long of a leader does he use then?
Liked and Subbed. Thanks man!
How do you know when you hit the bottom?
Great advice! Thanks for reminding people to moisten the knot before pulling it tight, people nowadays think that this is old school. I'm 55 years old and because of my Grandpa's tip, almost never lost a lunker. Today, however, early in the morning at sunrise, I lost a 3 1/2 foot pike because I didn't set my drag right and instead of letting him wear himself out, after a 10 minute back and forth battle, I tried to bring him to shore. Fat chance! This old timer let me know how he got that big, making a last minute dash and snapped the line a couple of yards away from victory
As they all say, great video without sales. You show it all. Good job and go fishing rverybody!! THX
Great Stuff !
Isn't a weight and a sinker the same thing?
Not much and you?
Im curious as to why use braid if your using a 15 ft leader anyways?
Banana style gets you out of rocks so easily