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How to fish a Buzzbait Part 1 – Bass Fishing

The weather was perfect today for a buzzbait video. I wasn’t disappointed. The Cavitron Buzzbait did the trick


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  1. I can't cast left handed either… That's why I use a left handed reel… Cast right, reel left, no need to switch hands on the rod. Why do people insist on switching hands? Seems like a pure inefficiency if you ask me.

  2. How far Gene has come. These videos are throw backs now. No red boat, still has a day job, throwing Duckett rods, 13 fishing and sixth sense dont even exist yet, but still the same flukemaster. Love these videos.

  3. Man I love a good buzzbait. They work year round and ive caught big fish on them in places people didnt think there are big fish. Last weekend i was fishing a creek about 20ft wide and 6ft deep and they were crushing a buzzbait. I ended up having to stop fishing with it because a giant pickerel absolutely smashed it and broke the body of the bait off of the arm and it was the only one I had with me that day.

  4. I love throwing buzz baits. They do tend to catch bigger bass. My PB came on a buzz bait with no skirt and a Junebug/Red 6” plastic lizard trailer. The lizard was an experiment, and it worked really well. Glad I tried it. Lizards work well as a jig trailer too!

  5. Do you retrieve the buzz bait fast so it's on top of the water kicking the water or do you let it sink and churn the water a bit deeper where you dont see the water its displacing?

  6. Went fishing on Chikamaga yesterday with Billy Wheat of Rip-Rap adventures yesterday and used a buzz bait for the first time, then caught my PB on it. I'm a fan of the buzz & had to come watch this video to polish my technique.

  7. Great video. You do a great job and I enjoy watching them. I do have a question though. You mention you can't throw left handed so have you attempted using a LH retrieve reel? Just curious.

  8. I've learned allot from you, and like your videos. Our fishing styles are fairly similar. I'm sure you're a better fisherman than I, I know you are, or you'd be watching my videos and id be fishing for a living, but if I may, in most situations, even power fishing fast, I don't like burning my bait back to the boat, even though I know I've passed my intended strike zone, because I've caught so many fish right next to the boat, just like the other night on Bear lake in Hillsdale. (From 8:15 to midnight I landed 14 largies, and lost 1.) I was in a canoe with my boy, the bait right under my rod tip and literally half out of the water, when a three+ pounder jumped and took it. I lost a whole rig 5 years ago in Ontario, because my rod was laying on the deck, my spinner hanging just above the water, and a Pike came up and took my whole rod n reel n everything, trolling with the big motor running. I've caught pike eating my bass right next to the boat. Those are just the most recent, and most memorable. I've had just as many come up, and not make it to the bait on time. The only time I will over speed my bait back, is when I'm really power fishing a shallow bank area, and there is a steap drop off and that my boat is over, and the ledge is closer to shore than my boat. I think it happens most when the fish are lethargic, not feeding as aggressive, but still curious, or hungry enough to follow a bait. I find that giving a straight cast and retrieve bait, like a spinner, or buzz, a subtle pause or twitch, somewhere between the strike zone and the boat, can get a reaction bite from those slow fish that are following a bait that far and not biting till the last minute, or at all. I know ur busy, and this was way long, i don't expect you to answer this, but just in case you got time, does that make sense to you, or do you think I'm likely losing a slightly larger % of fish, by not getting my bait back out there faster, than I would catch close to or next to the boat? Thanks for all your fishing advise!

  9. hey gene i am a switcher also , always done it , first thing i do on a new reel is switch handle works for me , good info on buz baits , thanks

  10. Got an all black buzz bait, went out at 5:15 am, and caught a 3lb, 4lb, and 7lber on my first 3 cast. Lost my buzzbait to a tree limb on the 4th cast. Never have been able to replicate that day but the all black on overcast skies before the sun starts to rise are killer.

  11. really enjoyed the video. buzzbaits have been a long time favorite for me partly because I caught my personal best at 8 pounds on a black and blue buzzbait about 3 years ago and because its a thrill anytime you're using top waters and see the wake from a big bass coming towards your bait and you just know you're ones about to nail it. Such a rush

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