Chris Zaldain goes over how to target actively feeding post spawn bass when fishing.
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*$17.99 Glide Bait*
Rod | 8’ Heavy
*Daingerous Swimmer*
Rod | 7’9” Heavy
*Chris’ Sunglasses:*
That swerve is something special, killed them on it today. Incredible it's only $18!
Amazing information
You need to sell that hat as your signature hat with your initials or something! So sick
I like the info on moving the big swimmer/glide faster this time of year, makes a lot of sense! I’m so used to creeping those things.
I know what doesn’t work well, and that’s that stupid, REDICULOUS, worthless, junk, googan frog that’s wayyyyy too stiff, not playable, and says eat me on the belly, which for me personally just pisses me off, dawggg.
I love how u use stuff that’s not expensive bro!!! That glide and that swim bait are very affordable thanks for the info
Man I'm really happy Chris and Trait are killing it with the podcast!!!!been following Zaldangerous since 2013 and Trait Christ Zaldain since 2014(opens) she is a helluva angler as well
Have you tried zman poppin frogz or poppin shadz? I stumbled upon the popin frogz about 3 years ago little less. That's almost only frog I throw now. You can rig it up weightless texas rig & the elastech floats of course. It comes through & over vegetation & cover extremely well, way better hook up than traditional frogs. I keep one tied on from spring to beginning of winter here on southern SC. Have to try out one of those swerve glides baits out.
Chris throwing the biggest baits I've ever seen all the time
love it
88th on day one. Got tuh catch ‘em tomorrow.
Great video Chris. Good luck at Murray. I think it's going to be your kind of lake.
Most productive multi jointed Swimbait you’ve thrown?
Chris is slowly fading away.
Good info brotha
we all appreciate your time to give us some insight
Chris, what hardware do you update on the Swerve?
Where can I get that hat.
I spy a triple trout.
Awesome brother thanks for the tip
What glasses are you wearing? I need those.
Chris, what swimbait reel is that with the shad swimbait? A new 13 fishing?
awesome video chris! those XPS Swerves are killer!! got one right as the came out and i've only ben impressed!