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In today’s video, I show you the kit I am building for my brother to help get him started as a multi species angler. I wouldn’t say he’s new to fishing entirely, but he’s a bit out of practice and needs a kit to get started. This is mostly low budget gear, and everything here is what you need to get started. Even if you can’t get everything in this video, grab a rod, a lure, and hit the water. It’s the only way to learn, and if you don’t have bait in the water, you won’t catch a fish. Comment down below if this was helpful, or if you have any input at all. Thanks for watching!

Spinner baits

Z Man chatter bait

Rooster tail

Yum dinger senkos

Fishing Backpack (piscifun) Browning no longer manufactured.

Fishing tool kit


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Man, whenever i get some good money, im going to go of this list and buy me a good setup. I pretty much am starting from scratch with a camping backpack, some lures my grandpa bought me, and thats it. Rooster tails are my favorite rn as i have caught 2 out of my four bass on them including my 4 lb PB. i do have plenty of rods though. thanks for this video as it will help me

  2. And remember folks….if someone sees you have a cheap rod and reel or a ugly hand me down tackle box and says anything like…aww you aint catching nothing with that or you need this 1k dollar combo to catch real fish….they aren't real fishermen or anyone you need listen to period! Money doesn't make you a better fisherman. Its the same for everything else in life.

  3. I enjoy fishing I started around three years old but now ten years later I’m starting to do stuff on my own thx for the vid man I’m trying to get a channel started about tips and tricks for fishing. that’s a sub

  4. Why would bobbers not be good for bass fishing? I catch bass all the time using live minnows under a bobber. Last week me and my boy were out for almost two hours and could barely let the line sit in the water without something grabbing it.

  5. Perfect man I’ve been a bass fisher for 3 years now and I’ve done a lot of bank fishing but I never really used a bag since I usually stay where my car is but thanks man, I’m gonna use this tomorrow probably!

  6. I just got back into fishing after 2 Decades off and an Old broken Ass DAV lol so budget is definitely in my Wheelhouse. I use the Ozark Trail Poppers and Lipless with a lot of success but I had to get the Booyah Topwater Frogs. I’m stoked I found an Honest relatable Fishing Channel my friend thank you. I only fish the River Bank here in Virginia but I try to get out as much as I’m able. Stay safe my Friend, Semper Fidelis

  7. Good video! And could be that I just missed it, but beginners are gonna want to grab a stringer or something to keep the fish on unless it's just catch and release for sport.

  8. If you go to the sewing section of Walmart you can buy those boxes cheaper for someone who is just starting out that does not have the money to invest in them and also comes with dividers

  9. Honestly a really good overall set up! Had just about a little bit of everything to get going. Some small creek crank baits would have been a nice addition. But this was really cool and well thought out.

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