Tips N Tricks

HOT Summer Bass Fishing Tips from GMan Gerald Swindle

Summer is a great time for bass fishing. Gerald Swindle is here to teach you some hot summertime bass fishing tip, tactics, secrets and techniques, starting with not getting completely ticked off and ruining your fishing day because of the water pirates stealing your fishing spot. It’s true, “You don’t own the water, bro”, so make the best of the situation, even if it’s rude and obnoxious, stay positive and focus on enjoying the fishing and catching some bass…somewhere else. Gerald also shares another secret tip the pros don’t want you to know, “Don’t throw back your 5th fish when you don’t have a limit”.

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  1. Favorite fishermen.. The Gman is the best and the realest bass fisherman in history… His straight forward and honest style of living and no b s education on life and fish makes him a very good motivational speaker

  2. When the pirates show up , just out fish them , I've been cussed out by folks for just spanking that ass when they come up on me . Do it and Bragg about it , rub it in . They will pull up and leave every time .

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