Check out the Bassmaster LIVE highlights from Day 3 of the 2025 Bass Pro Shops Bassmaster Classic at Lake Ray Roberts in Fort Worth, Texas.
#bassmaster #bassmasterclassic #highlights
Check out the Bassmaster LIVE highlights from Day 3 of the 2025 Bass Pro Shops Bassmaster Classic at Lake Ray Roberts in Fort Worth, Texas.
#bassmaster #bassmasterclassic #highlights
4100 fishermen have signed up.
Fake fishing
Better get you a spotlight just think if Easton had not used ffs would he have won
Why is the venue an hour away from the lake
Using FFS on fish moving in to spawn. I’m not into this. Not at all.
“He’s very skilled at ffs” lol
FFS should be banned for classic. Anglers should only get a map.
Ware are all the pro fishermen. What the heck is going on here.
The coverage of anglers was abysmal. Spent more time talking to anglers not even participating than covering anglers who did. Halftime show is a complete failure. Logistics were a nightmare. Weigh in was way too long. Priced out the heart of fishing.
The coverage of anglers was abysmal. Spent more time talking to anglers not even participating than covering anglers who did. Halftime show is a complete failure. Logistics were a nightmare. Weigh in was way too long. Priced out the heart of fishing.
To be honest Bassmssters has lost me
I just don’t care
Keep FFS lose many
Very few people attended the 3-day classic weigh-in I was shocked. Never seen it so low before; the price of things today is crazy. The outdoor expo was nice but super pricey. And taking a family out cost a lot of money today. This could be the reason for the very low attendees at this year's classic weigh-in.
Just here for all the FFS hater. Lmao. All them saying the same thing over and over. Just quit watching and stop commenting. Congrats Easton
Great Coverage and Fantastic commentary by all the crew at Bassmaster, thank you for all you do!
Haters coming out
Such a disappointing classic because of FFS! Shame on Bassmaster for still allowing this in a “professional” sport
Just another foot fetish tournament, pass …. how was attendance this weekend nobody right. BASS is dead if it stays with this BS FFS shit. Fans hate it and if you're getting positive feedback it's from family of the Beta Boy fishermen sorry wrong wording Gamers.
Screen watcher no talent.just money and mouth
I WANT IT NOTED THAT IN THE FUTURE BASS PRO SHOPS SHOULD HAVE LARGE OUTDOOR TV’s AT ALL STORES PLAYING COVERAGE OF THE CLASSIC. They should also market the largest tournament of the sport a lot better especially at the stores in the state of the event…. I live in Houston and didn’t even realize it was classic weekend until Friday night seeing day 1 results … sad guys.
Who cares
Bass am going to be respectful about this but you have told every season, angler and when I say season angler I mean 20yrs + get with the program and by that I mean Bass doesn't care about the legacy that Ray Scott left for the leader's of Bass to follow folk's you can figure out the the rest. Bassmaster RIP am done with video game's
FFS is just another tool to get fish in the boat. You're watching a guy from the back whether he is using FFS or not. You cannot tell me that its less boring either way.
The very essence of what made fishing great is no longer available to watch
Poaching ain't Fishing . Big middle finger to B.A.S.S. for allowing it 🧐
I'm 62 years old and have been watching tournaments since I was young. Loved Hank Parker and Mike Icconilli real fisherman! Kevin Van Damme losing record to a kid playing a video game is just wrong! This shit needs to be banned!
At least the latest scopemaster is from my home state
So disappointed with allowing FFS, nobody wants to watch a fisherman watch a screen to catch fish. This is the worst to watch on TV, I noticed in the shots at the weigh in, there is minimal spectators. Bassmaster better listen to their fans
멋진 선수님들
When a pro is on stage talking,please sthu.smdh.disrespectful to talk over someones dream speach.
Montgomery AL here
Why aren’t Yal going live on your YouTube channel. Come on
Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪🤙