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Highlights: Day 1 Bassmaster action at Smith Lake

Catch the Day 1 highlights from the 2024 TNT Fireworks Bassmaster Elite at Smith Lake.

#bassmaster #smithlake #highlights


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  1. Everyone now is addicted to that screen so all you see is there back everyone has a spinning rod with a minnow bait waiting on a device to tell them where to throw lol not like the old days for sure

  2. I donโ€™t really care what they are looking for at. I just like seeing fish catches. The entertaining part comes from the fish catches. I donโ€™t care what the angler is lookin at while he fishes. Lol. And they are catching more bass and bigger bass. I donโ€™t think I would want them to catch smaller bass and less bass. Look, I get the FFS technology may be getting too good and taking away from old school techniques that used to work but the argument that they are lookin at their screens doesnโ€™t make sense to me. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  3. Ray Scott would be rolling in his grave if he heard we are just staring at screens all day while on the lake! Stop this FFS madness!

    Remember when you guys wrote, "Ray really wanted tournament angling to be about skill, presentation and allure of the unknown.", FFS takes away most of that.

  4. Good Highlights! I am hooked on BASS Live meow. I enjoy every part. I try to watch every minute. Every once in a while I hear some REAL Juice. Everyone does a good job. Looking forward to day 2.

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