Watch as a hellgrammite catches a big bass in a small creek and see if you won the fishing reel from my Birthday Giveaway. I have been catching a few bass here and there, but this time it was Seth who catches the biggest fish of the day. For a creek, this is a big bass! He catches it right in front of me on a plastic hellgrammite lure. I also manage to catch a rock bass, but it looks small compered to his largemouth bass. Since thats all we caught, I also included a catch from the day before, a single bass on a wacky rig. Congratulations to todays winner! And good luck to everyone else in the next one.
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Are you and Seth still friends? Another episode with him would be cool if so
wtg to Steven Bacon… nice rock bass… Seth still beat ya grin
Never know what you'll catch in a creek, I'm always happy to catch a fish in one.
Love Seth getting Air while catching that nice Bass. Also, this is why your Channel DOMINATES! You find a way to keep putting out great content. Unlike me, who is an idiot and just deletes the footage. Thanks for the clip in here too. Way to Adapt and Overcome! Fish on Alex, Keep It Realistic!
Love your content buddy. God bless buddy.
Congrats Bacon
Love what you do for the realistic fishing community. Thank you!!! KiR!!!
Your studio is looking nice! It’s very realistic. I’m in Fayetteville NC the Sandhills we have plenty of green sunfish but no rock bass I’ve only caught 2 rock bass in my life and that was 2016 went to Pigeon Forge on vacation with family and took my pole and caught 3 small mouth and 2 rock bass. I love Tennessee fishing when I retire from Fire Department we are heading that way!!
Seth the Opera singer. I'd be singing too if I got a whopper like that.
Great catch Seth!! And the Curly sounding celebration was AWESOME!!!
Lol @ seth's noises while he is reeling in the smallmouth.
I gave this video a thumbs down
. Because I have tiny balls and I suck at fishing 

"Your last name is delicious" – Realistic Fishing
It’s been slow in AZ. Although it always feels like summer here.
I also love turtles…
Keeping it realistic!
Even the tough days bring alittle something. Congratulations Steven!

I know of one small spot the rock bass hang out but it's tricky to get to and a few yards away from that spot is always a small mouth hanging around gonna try and get in the river sometime soon and maybe end up catching some fighters .
The hater wish are just bored and have a problem with someone else having fun.
Love bacon. Great name
I love me some creek smallie action!!
Way to keep grinding even when the fishing is slow…
Nice catch, Seth !!! Congrats to Steven !!! K.I.R. !
Congratulations Steven bacon

Happy belated birthday Alex. Hope it was a great one.
Royale with cheese! Way to go Seth ! Nice job out there guys.
Love creekin! Keep it realistic…
Like your show. Love the reality of true fishing on-site. Keep it realistic.
That's so cool! So how do we send in the "commercial" spots?
What do you think?
"I like turtles"
Seth is so awesome! I get super excited too but my excitement turns into "oh yeah it's a big one! " and a bunch of celebratory swear words as I'm reeling in lol.